Lucky House

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Lucky House Loading Screen



The Lucky House is a casino type game which lets players use in-game money to play and gamble in casino like games. The rewards can vary from earning the player in-game money to mounts and weaponry. Several cities have access to a Lucky House with all having exactly the same layout and NPC's:

To play any game in the Lucky House, players must convert in-game currency into "coins" which can then be used on any game within the house. For convenience, a storage facility is located within the Lucky House in the North Western corner.

Note: The Lucky House is only available to characters level 40 or higher.

Exchange Rate

In-game currency can be exchanged for coins at a coin exchanger, located in various places inside the Lucky House.

image:coin exchanger.png

Exchange from in-game money to coins

The current conversion rate is 10 copper : 1 coin. This translates to 1 gold : 100,000 coins.

Exchange from coins to in-game money

The current conversion rate is 1 coin : 9 copper. This translates to 100,000 : 900 silver.

Note: There is a daily limit on how many coins you may purchase which varies depending on your level.


The available games to play in the Lucky House are:

  • Capsule Machine
  • Dice Game
  • Slot Machine

Capsule Machine


Capsule Machines were added in a patch on October 19th, 2011 which allowed players to purchase red capsules from a red capsule machine or blue capsules from a blue capsule machine for 1,000 coins [1]. Red Gold capsules were later added and can be purchased from the red capsule machine for 5000 coins [2]. These capsules then bind on the character and must be used within 3 days before being deleted. Capsules cannot be sold back to the store but they can be deleted by placing them on the floor.


Blue Capsules


These capsules contain production skill recipes and high quality/ highest quality materials. In addition to this, there is a very rare chance to obtain a KingCrab permanent mount.


Players typically purchase these capsules to obtain returns scrolls which can be sold for a quick profit. Although the capsules offer many materials, it is easier to obtain materials from KQ reward chests such as the King Kong Phino KQ.


Full Rewards List

Red Capsules


These capsules contain enhancement stones, scrolls and potions. In addition to this, there is a very rare chance to obtain level 105 weaponry and shields.


These capsules are frequently used by players to obtain items to help with questing and farming monsters. Although money can be made from selling enhancement stones, this is not advised as the T4/T5 stones are often quite rare.


Full Rewards List

Red Gold Capsules


These capsules contain enhancement stones, scrolls and potions. In addition to this, there is a very rare chance to obtain level 114 weaponry and shields.


See Red Capsule Strategy.


Full Rewards List

Dice Game


There are 16 tables to play the Dice Game on but all are the same. Tables 1-8 are located in the South Western Corner and tables 9-16 are located in the North Eastern corner. The game closely resembles the Chinese based game, Sic-Bo.




To win the most coins, a strategy which maximizes your probability of success is imperative. As a result, players are advised to read rules on Sic-Bo. Players must identify which methods are cost effective and profitable, since it is more likely that a higher probability of a dice roll will yield worse odds to the player (and therefore less profit) and so a compromise is necessary.


In addition to the potential rewards from gambling, various titles can be won which are outlined below:
Dice Game Titles

Slot Machine


Players can find the slot machines in the South part of the Lucky House instance. There are three types of slot machines representing how much each bet is worth:

  • 10 Coin Slot Machine
  • 100 Coin Slot Machine
  • 500 Coin Slot Machine

For example, when using a 500 Coin Slot Machine, each bet you place costs 500 coins.



A full guide to the interface is found below:


The slot machine offers players a chance to win extra coins outlined by the Jackpot interface in addition to the daily amount that can be purchased. If the jackpot is obtained, then a permanent mount is also won.

The permanent mount won is a JackPot Mover.

See Also

Money Making

Personal tools

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