Enhancement Guide

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You want a shiny cool weapon like everyone else, right? But just you don't know how to do it? Well here is a quick guide on doing so. Enhancing a weapon is simply upgrading it by adding extra damage, and adding cool looking affect to it. But enhancing doesn't just stop there, it can also be done to armor to increase the defense they give you, but they won't have any extra appearance effects.



Items For Enhancing

  • Items Needed For a Weapon/Armor Enhancing
    • A Weapon/Armor
    • Elrue/Lix/Xir
  • About The Stones
    • Elrue/Lix/Xir are items that are used to upgrade weapons and armors.
    • Most usable items have tiers. Tiers are item classes, and you must use a Elrue/Lix/Xir that is the same tier as the item you want to refine.
    • Elrue upgrades from +1 to ~+3, Lix from +4 to +6 and Xir from +7 to +9.
    • Aside from different tiers of items, the Elrue/Lix/Xir all have different types, which are Normal(green), Blessed(purple) and Lucky(blue). The different types affect different things. Lucky raises by +2 instead of +1 by a small chance, blesses decreases chance of breaking. Normal does what it's supposed to.

How To Get Elrue/Lix/Xir

  • Stone Alchemy(Production Skill)
  • Monster Drops
  • Mining
  • Quest Rewards
  • Kingdom Quest Rewards
  • Treasure Chest

If you choose to make your own stones with the Stone Production Skill, first press "K" and go to the Alchemy tab. Learn Stone Production (-NOTE- You can only learn 2/5). Then go to the skill lady in any town. Learn the Stone Recipe Skills. Right click the item and learn the recipe. Now press "K" and drag the stone production skill to the skill try and/or right click it.

Now you'll open up a window with Elrue in the list. If you see Tier 1 all in green you did it correctly so far. Now click the Elrue (The first one that appears) start making them if you can. If you cannot go kill some monsters that drop the item(s) that you need. Now you have some Elrue stones.

How To Enhance

To enhance something you must go to a Weapons Smith. After you find one, talk to him and click the "Refine Weapon" button. Another window will open with many boxes inside it. The center box is for the weapon or armor you wish to refine. The other 8 boxes around it are for the Elrue/Lix/Xir to go in. The lower 3 boxes have an unknown purpose at this time.

The process of enhancing is simple, and requires nothing more then luck. You pick one of the 8 boxes for the Elrue/Lix/Xir and drag and drop it in. If you have more than one Elrue, you may need to separate one into a separate pile of its own. To do so, press "Shift" and click on the Elrue, and set "Item Allocation" to "1", press OK, and click in an empty inventory square. Alternatively, you can simply allow the default number generated in the "Item Allocation" box, press OK, and click in an empty inventory space and achieve the same results.

After you have one Elrue ready, you click the bottom on the lower left bottom of the refine window to start the process. The enhancing is successful if the spinning star lands on the box, opposite to the box you put your Elrue/Lix/Xir in. Since it was successful then it will gain +1. If it doesn't land there, then 1 of 3 things will happen. Your item will remain the same, your item will decrease a level of enhancement, or your item might get destroyed. This is the basics of enhancing.If you click the button and your items went poof in your inventory it means its gonna be destroyed. Some say the more you break the more luck you have on the enhancing skills. [Unconfirmed]

You know at lvls under 20 you should only enchant your weapons and armour to +3 (3 elrues). Because you will advance to lvl 20 quickly. But there you should only risk enchanting if you have enough money for another weapon. If you don't, then you shouldn't enchant, because weapons cost a lot of money at and after lvl 20. But if you do break your item and have no more money to buy a new one, use your old weapon. You should not sell your old weapons until you are sure you don't need it.

Stone List

Tier One Stones

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Normal Elrue

The basic Elrue.

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Normal Lix

The basic Lix.

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Normal Xir

The basic Xir.

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Blessed Elrue

A Blessed Elrue.

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Blessed Lix

A Blessed Lix.

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Blessed Xir

A Blessed Xir.

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Lucky Elrue

A Lucky Elrue.

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Lucky Lix

A Lucky Lix.

image:Ice_bolt_01.png Lucky Xir

A Lucky Xir.

Appearance List

One Hand Swords


The basic appearance of enhanced items. Appearance starts to change from the +3 enchantment and up.

Additional Screenshots



Help Improving This Guide

Um...anyone know how to add pictures into the table becasue I just stole it from Fireriot... Msg FlyingSnow in the forums plz. =]

To add pictures use "upload file" to the left. The link code for pictures is also there.

End Notes

Part of the Snow Guild Reference Series by FlyingSnow.

--FlyingSnow 20:38, 24 July 2007 (EDT)

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