Final Fantasy: Crisis Core
Ok, so i played this little Gem for the PSP recently, Gotta say.... It's alright.
What happened to Final Fantasy being all about the TBT RPG?
Now it's all this Kingdom Hearts realtime stuff, And not in a good way.
Sure the story alone is enough to make those FF7 diehards buy it, BUt could they at least stick with the tradition?
And my second problem is:
Aeris loved Zack before Cloud, but when Cloud and Aeris meet, It's like Cloud is still Zack or something, BEcause they hardly get to know each other before they hit off.
Is there a connection between Cloud and Zack?
I know that they tried to infuse the Mako energy into Zack and he was immune, But Cloud suffered Mako poisoning, MEaning WHO should have died first?
Yes, Cloud should have, But i digress.
The game was OK overall.
I give it a 8/10
Pick it up if you like the story and plan on pressing 1 button A LOT.