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View Poll Results: Which Story did you Prefer?
Entry One 4 40.00%
Entry Two 2 20.00%
Entry Three 3 30.00%
Entry Four 1 10.00%
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Old 06-26-2009, 09:36 PM   #1
Jikanu's Avatar

In-Game Name: Jikanu
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New WtS- Week One- Voting

Ok, so the rules for this WtS are basically the same as Hazu's were. If you didnt read those ones, here are the basics:

1. Keep it annonymous.

2. Keep it fair.

3. Dont vote on any story without reading them all.

Ok, so on to the stories!
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Old 06-26-2009, 09:42 PM   #2
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Entry One
He stumbled out of the building, looking around frantically, trying to find some kind of help. The street was unusually deserted, and the night was unusually dark. It was always an unusual life for him, and he had tried to keep his family out of it. Not tonight. Running into a side-street, he saw a pay-phone. Delicately lifting her head, he carried her with him. He would have been faster without her, but he dare not leave her behind. Not tonight. He looked down at her face. Her shimmering black hair tinged with the scarlet of blood was thrown over his elbow. She was so beautiful. He had always been there for her. Her first word, her first steps and only last week, her 16th birthday. But not tonight. They had already killed her mother, they weren't about to get her too. They would pay, but she came first. She always did.

He set her down gently on the stool inside the phone booth and fumbled for some coins. He put the coin inside the machine and dialled. He was clueless as to their location so he looked around for landmarks. He found a large hotel called "The Viceroy", which seemed deserted. He told the operator their location and lifted his daughter again. He headed for the entrance of the hotel. If they were attacked again, a confined location wouldn't be ideal. Then again, carrying a body wouldn't be ideal, but he didn't have a choice there. "Stay with me," he whispered. "I won't let you go." He went under the roof in front of the hotel and tried to stay in the shadows. Sooner or later, he would end this. Or atleast get his daughter out of it. Time passed excruciatingly slowly, and he flinched at every movement. Her breathing was getting ragged and there was still no sign of the ambulance. Finally he heard a wailing siren and flashing lights came from around the corner. The paramedics took her and told him they would do everything they could. He nodded grimly. Soon the ambulance drove out of sight, and he removed his automatic pistol from his shoulder holster and checked its clip. It was time to end it, like he had promised himself. His footsteps echoed into the night as he turned back into the building from which he had emerged.
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Old 06-26-2009, 09:43 PM   #3
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In-Game Name: Jikanu
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Entry Two
It was a cold rainy night. Not your typical cold rainy night. There were no couples pushing together in a futile attempt to remain dry under one small flimsy umbrella. There were no businessmen running for cover with today’s newspaper held over their head in a lame excuse for protection against the hard rain. The streets were empty, the sidewalks were empty. Even the small light radiating from the random streetlamps seemed to have an emptiness to it.
The normal sounds of the city were not drowned out by the rain, they simply were not there. Only the steady sound of the rain falling on faded, cracked asphalt with the howling sounds of the wind bouncing off buildings and swirling around corners.
Somewhere in the dark empty night a dog rang out his lonely howl, breaking into the rain’s cold dark beat.
Suddenly a man darted out of an ally. He was tall and lanky, with a long trench coat on. The wind grabbed at the tails of the coat exposing in pants to the drenching rain. His feet made splashing sounds instead of the normal thudding sounds that are heard when someone runs down the street. Behind him, he heard the distinct noise and knew that they were still behind him.
He ducked down another ally, jumping over the garbage strewn about and came out on another street. He saw a distant light flashing three quick flashes and recognized it has his signal to safety. Yet, he knew that he would not find that safety tonight. They were too close to him and he would not lead them to her. Instinctively he turned and swiftly ran down another ally. He breathing was becoming labored and he knew that he had to lose them and do it fast or they would catch him.
He heard a shout behind him but dared not to turn and look for fear of what he might see. He picked up his pace and continued down another dark lonely street. After a few minutes, he no longer heard the sound of feet chasing him. He took a chance and slid into a doorway. He knew it was dangerous, but if he had lost them, he might still find serenity in this cold rain. He peered around the doorway and strained to hear any sounds. He saw and heard nothing but the emptiness of the never-ending rain. Slowly he made his way back towards the street where he saw his signal. As he drew close, he thought he heard a small shout. He stopped and listened harder, but could not place the sound.
He turned onto the same street he saw the three quick flashes and paused to scan the area. Nothing. He silently made his way to towards the ally where she would be waiting. He stepped into the ally and waited for her signal. Nothing. He called out as loud as he could without drawing too much attention to him. Nothing. He slowly made his way further into the dark ally struggling to make out any form in the ally. Nothing.
Behind him, he heard a sound scream into the night. He whirled around to watch as a car pulled up to the ally and one of the doors opened. He stared in horror as a limp body was thrown out of the car into the ally just a few yards away from his shoes. He made a gargling sound in his throat. A scream could not even find its way into the pain that encompassed him.
He picked her limp body up of the ground and cradled her to him. He dropped to his knees and rocked her back and forth while staring into her hollow eyes. Her blood ran with the rain soaking him. Through the rain, his tears mixed and dripped onto her face. He knew that everything he lived for was gone and that life had no meaning now. He stood, cradling her to him and started walking. He walked until the rain stopped and the sun started to make an appearance.
He stopped at the edge of the bridge and as the night fought the day, death fought with life. And as day won the never-ending battle, death won. He slowly climbed over the bridge and kissing her small cheek one last time, they both went over.
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Old 06-26-2009, 09:45 PM   #4
Jikanu's Avatar

In-Game Name: Jikanu
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Entry Three
On Adams and Frankphillips I saw her. A young beauty, anyone could see that. I had seen her a few times in the past, but with my busy life I have never been able to take the time to talk to her. She sat in one of the many empty tables outside of Starbucks sipping a french vanilla cappucino. The drink she would always buy when she went there, not that I was a stalker or anything... I would see her there, when I was in a hurry to work.
Yesterday though, out of all the uncountable times we had met, we bumped into eachother. By some miricle it started us talking. Me, a young business man going nowhere, and her... a model yet to be found. Or... possibly a singer. Her voice was heavenly, sweet and gentle. And her lips, a gentle pink that looked soft... "Move it!" Someone snarled behind me.
Shooken back into the reality, cruel reality, the light had changed and me, and the many other men in suits filed to work like ants. I took one last look at the angel outside the coffee shop. Right when she looked up, our eyes met. She smiled and waved at me, but before I could wave back I was lost in the flow of busybodies and pennypinchers.
Oh, I did see her from time to time... but my life had suddenly become even busier. My "young business man going nowhere" was no more. Still young but I was moving up in the corporate world. I barely had any time to stop by and get coffee, but when I did she always seemed to be there. We'd chat, with the short time I had, then I'd rush off to work.
Weeks... months went by like this until I finally worked up the courage to ask her out on a date.
She accepted. My heart jumped in joy. I wanted to hug her. Wanted to dance. I felt like I was a highschool boy again who got a date with the head cheerleader.
We ate at Garfields, not a highclass restraunt but the food was great. She had talked about wanting to go there doing one of our conversations at Starbucks in the past.
"What do you do for a living" I asked her after we finished eating.
"I'm going to college for childcare. I want to be a kindergarden teacher... and when I'm older start a daycare. Mainly for single and teenage mothers." She said, blushing. "It's a silly dream, it wont bring me alot of money but I want to help the future, the children, to be better people for a better future.
I smiled and shook my head "No, it's a wonderful dream. It's better than being a busybody, another ant in the system, like me." I laughed.
I payed for the meal and we left, my car was quite a bit away. We talked on the way to it, laughing as if we were children again.
But suddenly a man appeared in front of us. I remeber it like it was yesterday... he pulled a gun out. Demanded my wallet and her purse. But then he spotted her. He grabbed her wrist. She screamed. I lunged for his gun. It fell to the ground. Our fight is a blur now... but somehow he got the gun... some how long enough to pull the trigger. It was aimed at me... it should have been me... but she nocked me out of the way. The boy who had shot her ran.
I held her close to me. People began to run out of the reatraunt to see what had happened. I could hear them yelling to call for an ambulance. Through all of the comotion around me I continued to hold her. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I sobbed.
"It's alright... It's not your fault..." she said weakly as she brushed a tear from my cheek with her blood stained hand. I gently grabbed her hand and held it, not wanting to let her go. "Don't become to much of a busybody... or a pennypincher..." she smiled. "I watched you... every day... sometimes waited for you to come in... even before we talked. There was just something... something about you. You have a wonderful future ahead for you... don't let it consume you Ryan..."
Her grip on my hand began to weaken, "Dont go... please dont go..." I held on to her, I could hear the siruns coming closer.

Today is the fifth anniversary of that night. Crystal is still in a coma, I go to talk to her every day. The doctors say she's getting better and might wake up from it soon. They also say she was lucky, the bullet barely missed a major artery that could have made her bleed to death. She nearly did... but she held on. The crook was never found.
I went up even further in business and ran an idea of starting a day care for single and teen mothers. It went through. It's named "Crystal DayCare. The start to a better future". It's... like a gift for her when she gets out of the coma. But that night.. i'll never forget when I nearly lost the angel I had just began to hold.
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Old 06-26-2009, 09:46 PM   #5
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Entry Four
The night air was clear as my tweleve year old daughter and I walked down the sidewalk of our favorite shopping district down town. her bright blue eyes sparkled as we window shopped for a while. She stared at the clothes and jewlery with excitement.
"Do you know what you want for your birthday yet?" I asked when she stopped to stare at some necklaces displayed in a window.
"mhm, I want this nicklace." She said pointing at a small heartshaped locked with leaved carved into it and on the inside, in beautifully drawn letters, 'Daddy's Girl' was written.
"I want it because I'm your little girl, even though I'm going to be thirteen. Because when I'm older I want to be like you Daddy. I want to be kind and brave!" She said, staring at me with her huge blue eyes and long black hair, the spitting image of her mother. She was exactly like her mother form her looks to her personality, even her tastes in food and clothes.
I didn't realize how long I had stared at her lost in a memory until she asked "Daddy, that is alright, isnt it?"
"ofcourse it is sweetheart" I said immediatly, embracing her in a hug. "I'll go ahead and buy it, since the store is closed tomorrow." I told her as I noticed hte open hours sign.
"Can I get some ice cream while you get it? It's just right over there." She asked, pointing to the ice cream shop across the nearly empty street.
I bit the inside of my cheek as I thought about it. "Don't talk to strangers... and be careful." I sighed, finally. " Stay in the store till I come get you."
"Okay! I love you Daddy, thank you!" She giggled as I handed herr a ten dollar bill. I watched her runa cross the empty street before I went into the shop.

"The one in the window with the leaves" I told the shop keeper.
"Ah, this one? She must be a special pearl." he chuckled gently as he began to wrap the small box.
"A pearl more precious to me than any amount of jewels." I said, "she's the spitting image of her mother."
His old leather-like wrinkled face turned to me, "A pearl that causes as much joy as it does pain, I take it. Hold that pearl close." He told me as he handed me the box.
I slipped it gently into my pocked. As I did I heard a scream. It sounded like Valerie. Suddenly the warm night ari felt cold... so cold that it chilled me to my very bones as I ran across the street.

"Shut up, stop that crying!" Someone grouled ina hushed voice. "Damnit do something! She's going to give us away."
I heard the scream again as I ran down a alley, but it was cut off.
"What the fuck man... what did.. why..."
"You said so something so shut hte hell up and lets get out of here."
I was finally at the end of the alley when I saw two guys climb over a fence and run. On the ground was alimp dark figure covere din blood. "Valerie! No... no... Valerie!" I ran to her and held her blood soaked form in my arms.
"Daddy...?" She sobbed as I stared into her tear and blood streaked face.
"It'll be alright Val."I sobbed as her blood slowly began to stain my clothes. "It'll be alright... I wont lose you to... I won't... not the same way.... not now."
I carried her out of the alley as fastas I could, telling her it'd be alright. I could hear siruns getting louder, someone must have called for help. The jewlery shop keeper ran toward me as I emerged from the alley with my blood soaked angel.
"Help is... help is coming." He stammered as he saw Valerie.
I nodded to him, holding her close to me. I didn't want to hand her over when the ambulance arrived- but I did. I couldn't protect her, least I could do was put her in the hands of people who could save her.
I watched the ambulance leave with her, feeling as if my heart was being torn to shreds. But... they had siad there was hope- though small. But there was hope!

Today she woke up from her coma. She has been in it for three months. The doctors had said her surviving was a miracle. If they hadn't been able to get her there that fast she would have been in a coma for possibly years... or worst case senerio she could have bled to death. Over the months I learned that the shop keeper had called the police. I tried to go tell him how much I appreciate it, how thankful I was, that he helped save my little girl. But when I went back to his shop it had been shut down and no trace of him. But his words rang through my head. I would hold her close.
Tomorrow we'll celebrate her thirteenth birthday that she missed, and she'll finally get the necklace she picked out.
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Old 06-26-2009, 09:49 PM   #6
Jikanu's Avatar

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Crap, i made a mistake in the polls. someone sent me a message about the pics for WtS and i assumed it was a story. please ignore entry 5 x.x

sorry that i'm so fail x.x
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Old 06-27-2009, 02:35 AM   #7

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Fixed the poll for you. That's a lot more entries that I thought! Which is good.
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Old 06-27-2009, 02:45 AM   #8
Jikanu's Avatar

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Yeah, alot came in at the last moment XD
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Old 06-27-2009, 06:34 AM   #9
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Nice, all the stories were nice.

Credits to Loveless for the great signature!
We rode on the winds of the rising storm
We ran to the sounds of thunder
We danced among the lightning bolts
And tore the world asunder

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Old 06-27-2009, 07:25 AM   #10
Goblin Swordman

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Originally Posted by Vasu View Post
Nice, all the stories were nice.
totally agree.
Primum non nocere

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