the first part is fairly easy.
step 1 - talk to the skill master for fighters in elderine.
step 2 - now take the note he gave you and bring it too skill master ruby in roumen..
step 3 - bring the note she gives you to skill master in elderine.
step 4 - then go to the forest of mist.
step 5 - go by the little pond and tlak to that random dude standing there
step 6 - go kill boars and ratmen untill you get shadow key.
step 7 - go back to him, but DONT go in!!!
step 8 - first you need to get the following : scrolls like sheild increase, health increase, and those kind of scrolls, just 1 of each of what types you could get
, you need to go to elderine and get buffed! Get full stones and be sure to get some normal hp pots
step 9 - now go back to the guy in forest of mist
step 10 - BEFORE YOU GO IN - take everything you have on ( clothes, rings, neckalase.. etc) off. Do this because when you go in your little friend will have what your weairng and be a weak lil noob
(you can put stuff back on and she wont
step 11 - now go in and as soon as you see your shadow put EVERYTHING back on
step 12 - after you get 1000 hp out of her she will run away (she will heal for the final battle)
step 13 - follow her, and eventually youll see kebling (AWWE CUTE..) kill
step 14 - go forward and kill every mob you see.. (if you see ur shadow at all ignore her, and she wont bother you!)
step 15 - eventually the room will get dark and youll see a blue light. Take EVERYTHING off again
and follow the light
step 16 - when you see your shadow put EVERYTHING BACK ON.
step 17 - run back towards were light began, she shoudl follow you..
step 18 - now oyu and her are alone and shes weaker due to nothing on
now KILL HER. remember youll be using low of pots in this battle, dont freak out.
step 19 - your done killing her go back and kill thsoe extra mobs jsut to spare time whiel waiting for you to return to town.
step 20 - tell the dude the info and gratz on making fighter history, u became a clever fighter!
step 21 - go tell all your buddies the good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRADUALTIONS BUDDIE!