Don't bother fighting it until you get the quest where you need to defeat it for a quest item.
Charms arent needed but its best to kill the one in Ancient Elven Woods because the one in AEW is by itself while the other has Giant Elven Trees around it.
Use an Axe if you are planning to solo it Use T3/T4 scrolls (I waited to do this quest until Lv 75 so I could use T4 then soloed it)
It would be a good idea to have at least 2 pieces of your armour +9ed too. But if you have a cleric with you just still use your Axe but you will probably only need to apply 1 T3 M Def scroll only
If you are soloing it also carry some T3 pots because the Tree can deal enough damage where it would be a good idea to chain your HP stone and HP pots (Use 1 while the other is in cooldown).
The Tree has a low stun resistance so spamming Devastate at the absolute moment it wears off is beneficial.
Last edited by Andromeda; 05-28-2009 at 07:18 AM..