Originally Posted by Pritcher
It's sort of in the same vein as DBZ but no where near as drawn out. DBZ would have fights that go on for 5-10 episodes with full episodes consisting of nothing but "powering up" and screaming.
LOL! I never really watched DBZ "properly" but I've seen a few episodes because it was on tv in the mornings, and I get so annoyed at how they never die.
What programs did you used to make them? Movie Maker? That's like the only program I would know how to use that edits videos, haha. Nicely done though. Lol and you know, in the first one where Ichigo fights with the inner hollow, it reminded me of the level 20 job change quest cos you fight your clone... LOL! @.@" Not good...
I like the second one better because the music matched the clips more. Like, the bits where the music is "building up" tension, so are the clips. Hahah xD Is it harder to make AMVs with instrumentals?
Edit: Hm that made me want to start watching Bleach again. But I don't think I've stopped long enough since Rightclaw says it's fillers atm. D: