OMG! i didnt know the pieces in Moebius Syndrome joins from edge to edge too!!
i got all my straight pieces that goes into the corners are a wasted of space... but... u can join it to the other side!
G____GTevaG____G Heart___G_Hessah_G___Heart
79 - Paladin | 85 - Enchanter | 91 - Scoutxx
Ninja text! For those who's easily amused I can show you the woooorld!
I don't want to see it!
I always hated when i would get get a bunch of straight lines too cause I thought i couldn't do anything with them >_< Maybe I can get a higher score now...
does it? i tested it and top and bottom doesnt join up...
only left and right does (but when u left edge is there for u to join up then u're almost over! HAHAH)
G____GTevaG____G Heart___G_Hessah_G___Heart
79 - Paladin | 85 - Enchanter | 91 - Scoutxx
Ninja text! For those who's easily amused I can show you the woooorld!
I don't want to see it!
I honestly rarely read instructions/information when I don't feel like it... Had trouble with some of the arcade games because of that since I mainly play them due to boredom/laziness. xD There are some arcade games I actually still don't quite understand even after reading the info... @_@
two pieces from the edge went missing and i was like OHH!!!
G____GTevaG____G Heart___G_Hessah_G___Heart
79 - Paladin | 85 - Enchanter | 91 - Scoutxx
Ninja text! For those who's easily amused I can show you the woooorld!
I don't want to see it!