Gamigo and Sets... DONT GET ON!
So... this is how it went down. Being a level 44 CleverFighter i figured "Hey why not get some kick armour" So i went into Iyzel about 20 friggen times. Killed the Iron golem about 15 out of 20. Had friends to help me of course. Then i was beginning to get peeved so i figured i'd look around and just buy it because that would be easier right ? right ? No not right. Because the only people with Kick armour have GOOD stats or +9 them. which means to get the pants alone i had to fork over 800s and boots i had to fork over 1g 600s So i said "well F that" went back to Iyzel used hunters war rant, Went in scaled up the tower Etc And Got Kick Boots And on my next try i got Kick Pants
So in light of this i wanna ask this. GAMIGO WHY YOU BE FAILIN ?