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Old 01-09-2009, 01:59 AM   #1
Blue Clover Trumpy
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In-Game Name: Lets run away
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o.o um.. yeah another.. story

>.> I cant.. find my story note book and it's driving me insane. And i was bored.

:C Main charies:

Name: Nina Night-Song
Age: 16
Eyes: Gray-Green
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 127.3 LB.
Hair: Light Ash-Blond
Hair Style:Long w/ hair covering half of face (like fiesta emo style or Tear from ToA or w/e)
Rank: Slave
Gift: Song, Kindness
History: Born in the city of Kinlupet, right outside the Zenear borders. The city was plaugued with poverty. At the age of six she was auctioned off as a slave by her brother, her parents had been killed by theives when she was four. Her first master was a kind woman who gave her an education. When the woman passed her family sold Nina to a man at fifteen. When he made an attempt to undress her, she bit his hand. Furious he re-sold her to a governor of one of the Zenear regions.
Personality: Known to be stubborn, but intelligent. She is shy and often scared by has learned to hit it well and often appears emotionless.

Name: Eric Shadow-Blade Fa Vandatram
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 128.7 LB
Hair: Dark brown- black
Hair Style: Shortish, down to top of ears.
Rank: Noble / Prince
History: He would constantly sneak out to play with peaseant children by the river as a child. Had a habbit of getting in trouble by the council and his fatehr for not acting as a noble let alone the future king of Zenear.
Personality: Calm when need-be but usually outgoing though shy and stubborn. He has to hide his shyness infront of the kindgom.

__________________________________________________ __

Nina rubbed her neck under the loose fitting metal collar. The noble, Jef something-or-another, had bought her a week before. Now she rode in the back of a cart. She wore fine clothes for a slave, a plain but pretty green dress that made her eyes more green than gray. Apparently she was to be some ones birthday gift. She shivered slightly as the cart drew to a stop, though it was warm. A man appeared in the cart, helping her out. "Does she speak?" he asked a large man who shrugged, Nina smiled to herself. "Do you speak?" he asked, turning to Nina. She tilted her head to the side, a curious and confused expression on her lightly tanned face. Her gray-green eyes sparkled as she stared at him. He started to bluch, "err... I guess not.."
"Cute isn't she?" A tall man asked laughing as he appeared beside him. "Bring her to the garden soon, James." Jeff said, leaving them again to head to the garden.
"Jeff Fen Cobblewings of SummersDale." Someone announced. The tall man walked forward as his name was announced. He kissed the Queens extended hand lightly and bowed deeply to the king and prince.
"My Prince Eric Fa Vandatram, I have brought a gift of beauty to you..." he waved his hand where james ledNina towards them. She could feel everyones eyes burn into her. She blocked everything out, the only way to keep herself from blushing. The prince said his tahnks to Jeff, and Nina was led away.

She sat on a bench in the slaves quarters by herself. The other slaves that didn't have jobs tonight at the party ignore dher. They sat in groupes, whispering, glancing at her. Nina sighed, wishing people would stop looking at her.
A little girl, about seven, and a boy, about nine, both with the same button nose, dark eyes, and golden skin, came up to her. "Are you a princess?" The little girl asked with large amazed dark eyes.
Nina smilsed softly and tugged her loose collar a little, "nope, I'm a slave... like you."
"But you're so pretty!" She protested. "Why would anyone wanna sell you? Can you clean? cook? sew? Anything?"
"My brother sold me two years after my bother and father were killed.. I was bought when I was six by an elderly woman. What;s your name?" She asked, changing the subject.
"I'm Karla this is my brother Broc, he doen'st speak.." she said looking at her brother who shuffled the ground with his bare feet. "he hasn't since Ma and Pa sould us for a cuople of silver coins." Karla said, answering Nina's un-asked question. She looked at htem sympathetically as the door swung opena nd a maid went over to Nina, "Come with me." She said, turning on her heels and walked out with out waiting for an answer. Nina sighed and gave Karla and Brox a smile before leaving. She followed the main down several halls and up several stairs. The maid finally stopped by two large doors. They opned only a breath after she knocked. The maid curtseyed low to the prince as he stood in the door way, "Thank you Ella." He said excusing hte maid. Eric waved for Nina to sit. She sat softly on a backless chair, far away from the bed and stared defiantly at him.
"Tell me about yourself. Are you a noble from different lands? Kidnapped?" Eric asked calmly, leaning on a window sill. He glared at her when she didnt answer, "I know you can talk."
Nina glared back, "I am nothing but a Slave, my lordship." she replied, saying lordship as if her tounge was burned by the word.
"Are you able to do anything useful?" He asked, ignoring the slight insult.
She glared at him a moment longer, "I can cook, clean, and do chores as well as any slave or maid. But I am no play toy for a boys pleasure." her voice was flat and she refused to even look at him. She was suprised to hear him laughing, when she finally looked at him she could see he was laughing so hard that there were tears in his eyes.
"This boy isnt intrested in little girls." He said, laughing harder.
"Fine with me" Nina said smiling, not going to show that the little girl remark had put a thorn in her foot. "Keeps me out of your disgusting chambers then."
Eric smiled viciously, "If they're so disgusting you can clean them tomorrow until the floors shine, including my study, privy, and waiting room. I'm your master now. Make sure to take the slave's stair case on your way out." He said, turning his back to her.
Nina stood up and did a quick curtsey and left. Wanting to yell at him but knowing it would only give her more things to do if she did. More uneeded trouble.

"Thats my bread!" She heard Karla yell, as she walked into the slaves quarters after getting changed for the morning. A husky boy about seventeen or eighteen had taken her bread, a part of the morning meal that the slaves had. There was plenty that no one should even think of stealing from others. "Nina!" Karla cried as she saw her.
"What's wrong?" She asked walking over to Karla, staring at the boy.
"He took my food." She sniffled, rubbing her face. No one else attempted to help, all of the adults had already went to their work and it was teens and kids that were finishing up eating.
Nina smiled softly to Karla, "Please give that bread back to her." she asked the boy.
He laughed so harsh that it sounded like barks, "why should I? She doens't even deserve to eat."
"Everyone deserves to eat." She said softly, "No matter your size. And just because your bigger doesnt mean you can steal from the ones who are smaller. Picking on weaker people just shows weakness. Especially picking on a little girl." Nina glared, her voice was calm but her eyes blazed angrily. She knew what was coming, she had met people like him before, in the streets. She jumped back, pulling Karla with her, as the boy tried to swing at her. She nearly fell over as she stumbled over a broken broom stick. perfect she thought grabbing it before he charged at her again. When he did the broom stick collided with the side of his head. He stumbled to the side from shock of the hit. It gave her enough time for another blow and knocked him to the ground by tripping him. The bread flew in the air and landed on a table near Karla. She stared at Nina and the boy wide-eyed. Nina just sighed, thankful that her first master had taught her ways to defend herself. The room was silent but suddenly burst into laughter as the fallen boy moaned.
"Richard got beat by a pretty little girl!" A youth howled with laughter.
Nina ignored them and grabbed the bread, handing it to Karla. "Eat up." She smiled. "This meal should be enough to fill an adult till mid-day meal, no need in taking others just because they're weaker."
She patted Karla on the head, stepped over the fallen boy, and left the room.

Nina made her way up the slave stair way to where Erics chambers were.
"In the study!" Eric called as she knocked. Nina sighed and went in, though did not go into his study. It took her till mid-day to finish the Privy, sleeping room, and guest room, only the study was left and Eric had not once left it. With a deep sigh she knocked on the door, no answer. She knocked again and yet again there was no answer. She opened the door slowly to see several book cases and a couple of desks, one was occupied by Eric who was fast asleep. Pulling a blanket off of the back of a chair she draped it over him and continued to clean quietly. It was past mid-day meal by the time she was done. Nina slid to the floor happy to finally be done, she had went as fast as she could with still cleaning as good as possible. The floors shined and the dust was cleared and all the rooms smelled fresh now. But her hands and arms ached and her head spun from the cleaning herbs. Leaning against a wall she decided to take a short break, since Eric was still fast asleep. She didnt want to go into the slaves quarters and get randomly attacked by that brute.
&& Ill dance in the rain to hide my tears
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Old 01-09-2009, 02:00 AM   #2
Blue Clover Trumpy
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In-Game Name: Lets run away
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Nina's nose twitched as she caught the scent of warm food. She hadnt eaten since breakfast and her stomache rumbled in complaint. Slowly she she opened her eyes and realized where she was. She scrambled to stand up, blinking her eyes until they adjusted to the dim light. "I uh..." She blushed a deep red as she stared at the prince, who sat in a chair watching her.
He didnt seem angry but amused, "You clean well... didnt except the floors to actually shine." he laughed, "and to get them all done in one day. It usually take them two days or more to just clean the chambers."
"I do as I'm to- meep" her blush deepened as her stomach protested again. "Forgive me, I skipped mid-day meal to finish cleaning...."
"And dinner."Eric added in. That would explain why the room was dim. Only lit by candles and the fireplace. "Why not come and eat." He said gestering to a chair on the other side of the desk, there were two plates on it and the books were stalked up neatly.
"I couldn't...." She murmured. "it'd be wrong my lordship." Nina curtsied.
He frowned, "It wouldnt be wrong at all. You were a gift, and did your job as assigned and better than any others have so far. You skipped one meal... and slept on the floor through the other. Least I can do, or I can give you an order to join me for dinner."
Nina wasn't happy but it was obvious she wouldnt get out of this. "If it's what you wish.." she sighed finally and joined him. She was happy to eat but wasnt happy about the circumstances.
After they had finished eating, it was akwardly silent through the meal, Eric stared at her cuirously. "What area did you come from?"
"Kinlupet, a city to the south, just outside of the Zenear borders, but I havent lived there since I was six. The past of a slave really isnt interesting, my lordship." She said with a forced smile, she hated remebering it.
"I like to know about some, I guess." He shrugged, "and you are far different from any slave I've yet to come across."
"My first master took me in... and treated me as a daughter. Taught me to clean and cook and even to protect myself. But when MeiMei passed on her grandaughter, who never liked me, resold me to my former owner just a year ago. He resold me when.... I wouldnt obey one of his orders..." She mumbled quietly.
"Why were you sold? Did your parents sell you at a young age or kidnapped?" Eric asked, he seemed honestly interested. Nina sighed, she couldnt disobey her master. "My parents were killed by street theives when I was four. My older brother took care of me since I was six until he sold me to MeiMei. And I've been a slave since. Since she was more of a mother... or grandmother I guess since her age... she taught me not to do something that I wouldnt do to others even if I was ordered. So if my lordship ordered me to kill someone I wouldnt, even if it costed me my life. Same as when my past master tried to.. undress me... I refused and bit his hand even if he would have beat me or even killed me."
He stared at her, curious and astonished. "First time I've heard of a slave who would do such things." He said thoughtfully.
"First time I've heard of a prince who had conversations with his slaves" Nina retorted. Eric only laughed.
Suddenly something crossed her mind, "My I be excused my lordship? A child slave has been having troubles with another slave and I worry about leaving her alone..."
He looked at her, one eyebrow raised in curious confusion, but agreed to her leaving. "Come back to my study in the morning, Nina." she called.

Nina slipped into the slaves quarters, everyone was getting ready for thenights rest. When she came into sight she was nearly blown over. Her mind raced as she thought it was the boy from before but if it was she would have been on teh floor possibly dead by now. It was Karla. "Nina!" She said gleefully hugging her. Broc stood near by and smiled. "Can we sleep with you tonight? We were worried about you, you missed the meals. Are you alright?" Karla asked, spinning out questions faster than a spider could spin a web. Nina laughed, "I'm fine I'm fine. I just had alot of work to do, I haven't been here long so I need to make sure I do my best so I dont get into trouble. A missed meal or two wont kill me." She couldnt tell her about eating.. with her master who was the PRINCE.
Nina helped them get ready for sleep, Broc and Karla both cuddled close to her. She didn't mind though she was exhausted. "You smell like Momma..." Karla murmured, half asleep.
&& Ill dance in the rain to hide my tears
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Old 01-11-2009, 02:55 AM   #3
Blue Clover Trumpy
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Nina woke as people began to stir. She woke Karla and Broc, stretched, adn went to change. Karla and Broc ate near her, the boy glared at them froma cross the room. A tan elderly man set a wrinkled hand on her shoulder, "Do not worry about Brad. He's all brains, no smarts. Like a angered bull. He has the head of one, for sure." He patted her shoulder and left with the other adults. The boy, Brad, left through another exit. Relieved, she left Karla and Broc to go take care of her work.
She'd been there for half a moon and her job was to attend to Eric. His chambers had a sontant shine to them now. IF Eric was in the library they had a conversation or another argument. He never raised his hand or threatend to beat her. None of the slaves were beat from what she had seen so far.
"Does he have to visit?!" She heard Eric in the study, as she entered his chambers.
"He's your cousin, Eric, your father has already agreed." Came a hihg pitched male voice. One of the royal advisors, she guessed. Eric grumbled and stomped out of the study, to his room, and onto the Balcony. Not long after she heard a crash, her and the adviser both appeared on the balcony as soon they heard the sound. Eric was bent over, picking up peices of the broken flower pot, "Sorry, turned and slid it off, I guess."
"Let me get that." Nina said, helping to pick up the broken peices of the clay pot. Eric stood and brushed his hands on his trousers.
Nina gasped as she held a piece of metal, she had found an arrow in the mess of dirt and pottery.
Without warning, she grabbed the advisers and Erics arm and pulled them to the ground with more strength than it looked like she had.
Eric flinched as an arrow shot past where his head had once been, into the wall of the castle, and exploded sending pieces of rock shattering over him. The sound of a soft hum and gentle instruments filled his ears. He would have ran inside but Nina held him and the adviser tight. When he glanced at her he could see her eyes were closed and she was humming. Another arrow was shot, it slid around the balcony and hit the wall, the debrie hitting something invisible that srounded them, never touching the three.
The sounds of bells filled the air now and guards shouting as they ran into the court yard.
The soft instruments and humming stopped as two guards appeared behind them and Nina's grip loosened. The guards rushed to help the adviser and prince stand. Nina got up, leaning on the railing. The guards led them back into the room, Nina followed a moment later, slowly. She didnt even glance at the dead body that they passed.
How could they be so stupid as to let this amatuer slip through their guard... she thought, irritably.
&& Ill dance in the rain to hide my tears
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