Super Adventure Squad: Super "Special" Adventures at the Throne!
Amazing, I know.
A_For and I were magically on at the same time, so I made her go to the new battleground entrance map. She didn't go in... -coughstuborncough- So I went to her super secret hangout (the Elderine "tomb").
Finding new emotion bugs lead to these.
Eventually Kayem (Esen) logged on. Then the fun starteddd~!
That was so much fun D: After we left you at the Throne, we went through the park and towards SoG gate...We found Lightning thar and showed her it. -nods- Good times...good times...
I knew I spelled something wrong. D: I was going to put a disclaimer... OMG, wait, I told them how today I just wasn't on my spelling game! xD (Or maybe it was just A_For I told...?)
Lol@lvra. 6 months. The Outspark servers definitely are a contender for the slowness king/queen title.
Yep. Fun. There were other screens, but I didn't bother since my comp overheated + died halfway through... @_@"