I can say...of course with due restraint (due to NDA signage) that I for one, am VERY heartbroken as to how this game has turned out. I am also sad I never discovered this forum. It looks like a good piece to our Fiesta Online history. I am saddened to say I do not think Fiesta will make it much longer - I have been an avid player since Closed Beta.
I was hired on as a Forum Moderator (One of the VERY first, probably THE first!) to work with Gamigo in making things better. I would like to tell you all more but for legal reasons I cannot. I can vouch for a lot of what was said. In the manner of which Game Masters were treated.
Blizzard (GM/SGM Blizzard) was my training manager as well as Soda and one other. I grew very close to Blizzard...But due to the downturn in my personal life, I had to quit fiesta online and leave the staff team. However - I did manage to come back but with hitches, and I was not allowed to return to the team due to several issues concerning state, etc etc. I wish I could find Blizzard...She helped me more than she herself even imagines. Even if Gamigo owns the game now - I don't see it making a recovery.
You might wonder why I appear now; Well; You could say for good time sake? I miss being able to enjoy our game - But it's too late now!
My name, as you can tell is just the title of the game; this is to keep my identity secret. I hope you can understand.