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Old 03-01-2009, 05:31 PM   #1
Angry Wolf

In-Game Name: Shade
Current Level: 87 (10% tnl, retierd)
Server: Bijou EU.
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xDario is on a distinguished road
Shade's Mage Guide.

A few things before we start :
This is my guide. I have spent time writing this, and i would appriciate it is kept where it is. Atm, this is allowed to be posted on gamigo forums and FiestaFan. If you want to use this guide in anyway, send me a PM and ill grant you the permission.
Also, this guide is actually meant for gamigo, where the cap is 79 atm, and we have a few other things...If anything is wrong, just post below.

Ok, since i have lots of time on my hands without fiesta, i will do what i was planning to do when i cap.

I would like to start out, this is on my personal experience, from what ive seen, tryed and tested. If you have anything to say about it, or want to correct me, please go ahed and do so.

The Mage
Otherwise called as the DD's, mages have the highest natural damage output. They're slow and hard start pays off in the long run, as by the time you get to your 60's, you will become overpowerd (Generally. Builds affect your game)

  • Low Defence and HP
  • Almoust no new Spells between level 7 and 5x's
  • Can't really solo at low levels
  • Have the hardest time in the level up 20 level up quest.
  • Terrible in a one on one PvP (Even when they get fear.)

  • Highest Damage output
  • Almoust always needed
  • Have lots of fun in the later levels
  • Very strong new spells between level 49 and 67
  • Pvp Pt vs Pt, mages are usefull

As you can see mages have a lots of disadvantages, that you need to take in mind while picking him.

So, you have chosen a mage. What now?

Although really anything is good, apart from STR, there are certain more effective builds.
I dont have much experience with a Full END mage, so forgive me about not having too much detail about it.

Full INT
Yes, the full int mage is the biggest and strongest mage of all, with the highest natural damage output. Sadly, this build also has the highest dmg intake.

+25 SPR rest INT (Hybrid Build)
My builld right here, so i can tell you a bit about it.
The extra SPR as we all know is to give that +5% crit, extra magic defence and a little sp boost. Although your later Aoe's wont critical, your single targets will, and crits are the way to kill fast.
(Help yourself to cash shop +crit items.)

Full SPR
Less "dmg" and less defence make this mage the most "vulnerable" of all mages, but not to underestimate.
Full SPR brings a massive rise to m.def, an amazing amount of SP and lovley crits. A natural crit fats of 15%+ when you get to the 7x's is a massive chance, especiallz with CS items.

Full Dex
Whats there to say?
A full dex mage never misses and has a fun time watching the mobs not hitting him.

Full End
With the lowest natural damage and the highest defence, this mage is, like all other builds, not to be understimated. The Full END mage has the highest defence than any other mage (especially with +9 armour) and the higest DMG.
This makes him harder to kill, but also has a hard time killing people his level.

Full STR!
Usless build, unless you want to save your SP.

I personally would recomend full INT/Hybrid, aswell as END. It depends if you want High Damage, and low Defence and HP, or vice versa.

Last edited by xDario; 03-01-2009 at 08:45 PM..
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Old 03-01-2009, 05:31 PM   #2
Angry Wolf

In-Game Name: Shade
Current Level: 87 (10% tnl, retierd)
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xDario is on a distinguished road
So, spells. The only way for mages to live up to their damage. Between level 1 and 20, you buy them from Skill Master Ruby. Between level 20 and 60 from Enchanter Master Wishis and level 60+ from Skill Master Cyburn.

Active Spells
Magic Missile
(You get this when you start, dont need to buy it.
Upgrades : Level 7-13-19-25-31-37-43)

The spammable spell. An amazing cooldown of 1.8 seconds, this is your main spell at lower levels (after Fire Bolt), and you should empower it as soon as you can, MAX cooldown. I would recommend keeping it untill level 1, but some people beg to differ. Problem with upgrading is that there is a longer cooldown, the damage isn't that amazing and you can't spam it.

Ice Bolt
(A level 3 spell, buy it with all that quest money you get!
Upgrades : Level 9-15-21-27-33-39-45)

I hate Fiesta for giving you this spell before fire bolt, but atleast it gives you time to empower Magic Missile (MM).
This one you upgrade as soon as you can. You have no need to spam this spell ; The reason we have it is to slow the enemey and it has a higher cast range, so you can hit the Monsters (mobs) from farther away.

Do Not empower this spell.

Fire Bolt
(Your cannon attack hit the 50's. Buy this baby at level 4 and use it the second you get to 5.
Upgrades : Level 11-17-23-29-35-41-47)

Again, i advise not to upgrade this spell.
And here comes the choise of your fiestalife.

If you CANNOT use the Cash shop (real money) you now have the option to empower cooldown and dmg on this, making it to level 50 easier, OR keep the skill points untill level 50 and use them for bigger and better things.
I wouldnt want to affect your choice, but if i were you i would empower Fire Bolt, beg your parents to charge some Taler and then when you hit level 50 buy a skill empowerment reset scroll, and take them off.
If not..i guess keep them!

Lightning Bolt
(You get it at level 7, and this is your second last damage spel untill level 49
Upgrades : 13-19-25-31-37-43-49)

Pretty usless spell, high cooldown and a terrible damage.
BUT, you can run while casting it, so upgrade this spell to make as much damage as you can.
Again, dont empower this spell.

Magic Erruption
(Dont buy this spell, unless you want it twice. If you do want it twice, you can buy it from Item Merchant Nina, otherwise you get this from a quest.
Upgrades : 31-42-53-64-75)

YAAAAAAAAY!!! Our first AoE (Area of Effect). This baby lets you hit monsters around you every five seconds. And since the cooldown doesnt change with upgrades, lets upgrade it, yes?
I personally didnt empower this(Keeeeep yourrr pooinnnttss unntill level 60+), but for thoose who want to, empower its power.

Now, grind for 29 levels and live without new spells

Magic Blast
(Level 49, rush and buy your lovley new spell
Upgrades : 57-65-73)

Finally a new spell!
Yes, it has a casting time, get over it.
now, time to empower! Put this spell on Max damage (you should have skill points if you didnt waste them), and see the monsters die.

Ice Blast
(Level 51
Upgrade : 59-67-75)

Two levels for a new spell...Not bad <3.
Ok, again, dont empower this. Now, another decision. When will you use this? I presonally use it for PvP and PvE, but others diced to keep ice bolt. I will have to do some reaserch and post up about the differences, the only difference i see is a higher casting time and more SP, (therefore slows down more :/).

Fire Ball
(level 53
Upgrade : 61-69-77)

Remember at level 5, that epidemic you had..? "To empower or not too?"
Well this is when you need thoose points. Empower this baby to max damage. Go test test test!! An amazing skill. And upgrade this whenever you can!.

Lightning Blast
(level 57
Upgrade : 65-73)

As usless for close up as its forefather..
Again, use it for running and dont empower it >;D.

Frost Nova
(level 60
Upgrade : 65-70-75)

Level 60! Gratz.
Go buy this spell from the dude in uruga, aswell as..all the other new spells. Empower its Damage and Cooldown, and go to eldz and showoff!

(level 67
Upgrade : 77)
A third AoE °_°!
Wow, arnt you glad you choose a mage.
Since you cant enhance Inferno's damage, enhance its cooldown, and were good to go.
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Old 03-01-2009, 05:32 PM   #3
Angry Wolf

In-Game Name: Shade
Current Level: 87 (10% tnl, retierd)
Server: Bijou EU.
Posts: 96
xDario is on a distinguished road
Eh, Planned to keep all the spells on the last post, but i ran out of space.
So, here we go.

PvP and Un-Damage spells

Life Tap
(level 20
Upgrades : 29-38-47-56-65-74)

D:. So usless, please dont use it nor upgrade it.
imo, dont even buy it.

(level 25
Upgrade : 48-72)

yaaay, mages are awsome clerics!
We can heal curses. Aka, if a pweson is red, you can heal them, and best of all, if they are blue, despell. And make sure they say "Thank you!"

Mana Burn
(level 31, go grab to get your first pvp only spell!
Upgrade : 42-53-64-75)

A usless spell if you dont know how to use it.
A little experimenting and you should be fine. Best use of it is to use it right after a target uses an SP stone.
Clerics are your fav. target, as by the time they use an sp pot, you will have time to kill someone.

(Level 37, no upgrades)

Hah, take that cleric! No more buffs for you!

use it in pvp <3.

Drain Mind
(level 60, amazzing spell >.
Upgrade : 75)

I must say this is the spell i was most happy about. Finally i can kill something in pvp, and useful for killing PvE. I enhanced it to max buff time (+3 seconds) to give me time to kill the monsters (And pvpers hate it as much as i hate stun.)

Chain Casting
(level 60 without upgrades)

Another level 60 spell. Cool, huh?
A little warning, it gives you a 25 second buff and the next spell you use will not have a cooldown..Not that you use it and you can ignore cooldown (Eh, thats what i thought :P).
tbh i barley use it after i hit 67, but i still have enhanced it to max cooldown (-1.2 mins o:.)

(Level 73, no upgrades >

Another PvP Spell!! Useless agains mobs, so PvP only.
How do you use this spell? Clerics have the worst time under the influence, since they cant heal as fast. Mages also have somthing against it D:.
Funfun <3.

Spell Steal
(level 79, also no upgrades D

Well, youve capped! Congratulations, you may now steal T99 scrolls from the GM's.

SO. Thoose are the damage spells we have so faar.

Passive Spells.
Staff Mastery
(Level : 7
Upgrade : 16-25-34-43-52-61-70-79)

This just increases power of a staff user.

(Level 13
Upgrade : 22-31-40-49-58-67-76)

More SP and M.Dmg. A must for all mages!

Wand Mastery
(Level 20
Upgrade : 29-38-47-56-65-74)

Similar to the Staff Mastry, only for wand users.

And now....
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Old 03-01-2009, 05:32 PM   #4
Angry Wolf

In-Game Name: Shade
Current Level: 87 (10% tnl, retierd)
Server: Bijou EU.
Posts: 96
xDario is on a distinguished road
Equipts & Armour
At low levels, try getting greens, although they are not too important.
Go do your lovley quests, grind on mara soldiers untill you hit twenty (Mage guide for that later on in this post.) and then you can choose between a Staff and a Wand.

  • Higher Aim
  • More crits?
  • Look cooler :]

  • More damage
  • More crits?

So, make your choise. I would recomment Wands for DD's, slap on an aim scroll and you should be fine. Also, +9ing is the way foreward, as it gives you almoust double the damage, and thats what mages want.
Subnote : Please do not +9 anything without miles/eyes (Real money, press X to enter the cash shop) And also, i see no need to +9 anthing untill 30's, absolute earliest. The rate at wich you level from 1 to 30 is mucch to fast for you to benifit from a +9.
Also, it might be a good idea to have a staff with you if your using the wand, so incase you need looooots of aim, not so much the damage, then you can help yourself (You dont...really need to +9 two items.)

And for thoose who prefer staffs, bring a wand. Your aim might be incredibly high and you want that extra damage.

Statwise, you want to find Int and/or End on your staff. Dex and Spr are usefull, but focus on Int and End. Again, this is your choise. Orient stats around your build, and make it suit.

Somthing we all love. Shows us what levels we are, how strong we are and whatever else.
Again, you want Int and End, Dex/Spr not really needed, but help alot.

Just a note, before you upgrade your armour, check that your previous armour isnt as good as the new armour. Aka, if you have a godly level 66 hat, and only an INT 76 hat, just stick with the 66 hat-It would have more benifits, and just go scouting for better armour. Dont go too extreme, as in, dont be at level 70 with your godly level 26 hat.

"Where do i get my Armour!!!!!"
Its basically just luck. Different mobs drop different armour with better stats, but take into consideration that you will have to buy lots of your "godly" armour. And also, if you need a level 20 hat, its usless to grind on slimes-if you get any drops, they will be for level 6-ish.

Also, if you have the money/luck you might want to +9 your armour as it gives extra def. (This is pretty much not worth it untill 40's at the earliest.)

A note to Enhancing. T1 items, aka anything under level 30, has a low chance of breaking untill +7. Give it a go, if you have the money for a new staff and the luck needed. Once you hit T2, dont try to +x anything naturally.

Level 20 Jobchange
As i promised, i will give a small guide to the level 20 jobchange. If you want the level 60 one, just scroll down a bit more.
Mages have the hardest time doing this quest, so be ready for dying a few times before actually making it. Dont let your heard sink!.

So, you have just hit level 20? Go to elderine and talk to Enchanter Master Wishis. She will make you go massacre 10 boars. Eaaaaassy. By now you shuold know that they the middle of Forest Of Mist. When youre done, return to Wishis, finish the quest and talk to Grand Master Sean in Forest of Mist (the guy at the lake).

After talking to him, go grind some monsters in Forest of Mist and get a drop called a "Shadow Key".
BEFORE YOU TALK TO SEAN AGAIN, go restone, get some pots, get a buff, slap on T1/T2 vit/aim/def(/mentality/eva) and rest to full hp/sp. Now, talk to Sean and he will warp you to the Shadow Dungeon.
Nice, huh?
Remember you cannot rest in the Shadow Dongeon
You now have 20 minutes to finish this quest. I hope you thank me for telling you to use the scrolls before enteing, as right before your eyes, a clone appears.
What are you waiting for? Kill it.
Ok, maybe not. After about 500 damage, he will be untargetable, as he locks you into place while he runs away.

No time to waste, chase him :\. On your way, youll have to kill Two Shadow Keblings, nothing too hard. Just be prepared.
After having killed thoose two squishy mobs, you enter a room and your clone changes into someone else, as 6 Shadow Skeletons appear (3 archer, 3 fighter).
Take them on One by One, and you should make it.
After that, youll need to kill 3 shadow keblings. When youve finished that, your clone will tell you to follow the blue light. Walk on a bit and youll understand what he meant. The room goes all dark, and a blue light appears.
Go follow, and when you get to the end, the lights come back on. Before doing anything, get as close to the end as you can, and kill the Stone Goblin thing that spawns. Then go and take on the Marlone Archer and Fighter. Now, face your clone. At about half of the clones health, another stone thing appears. Kill that and then continue massacring yourself. Keep watching your Health, Sp and keep looking around you.


You will get warped to Grand Master Sean after 30 seconds. Talk to him, select a weapon of your choise (read above to see what to choose) and...

The Naked Way
As dirty as i may sound, if you are fast and feel like you can do it, then what you can do is take all your armour and your weapon off before you go in, and the second your spawn appears, put your armour back on (QUIIIIICK!) and your little clone will do less damage to you (aslong as you were fast enough to put your armour back on)
Remember, he appears twice, once after the blue light (take them off while your running in the blue light, put them back on while fighting the Stone Golem thing)

Also, as a weapon, it might be smart to put your normal weapon on "8" and then put the level 1 item on "9" (example) so you can switch your weapon faster. (This is what i did, so i had timme to change my weapon and put my armour on at the same time.)
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Old 03-01-2009, 05:33 PM   #5
Angry Wolf

In-Game Name: Shade
Current Level: 87 (10% tnl, retierd)
Server: Bijou EU.
Posts: 96
xDario is on a distinguished road
There are looooots of combos, but here are a few of my favourite.

Single Target
Ice Bolt > Magic Missile > Fire Bolt > Magic missile > Lightning bolt while running back > Magic missile > Fire Bolt > Magic Erruption.

Ice Blast > Magic Blast > Magic Missile > Fire Ball > Magic Missile > Fire Bold > Magic Missile > Fire Bolt...ect, doing Fire Ball whenever you can.

Originally Posted by sinman
Ice Bolt: you have a chance to decrease objetive speed so it takes more time to reach you.
Magic Missile: low time to cool down.
Fire Bolt: really hard hit.
Lightning Bolt: one hit more.
Magic Missile: this attack is ready again, so you haven't to wait.
Magic Eruption: your last hit, if you don't kill mob you have to get some hits, to attack with Magic Missile again.
Oh, i also would like to give you a little hint. Cast a nova infront of you (If you can), and make the lure mob go into it. It slows down and takes some extra damage.

Tbh, when your level 60-, you can only use Magic erruption every 5 seconds to do any AoE. I guess thats ok, but dont rely on it too much.

Level 60 - 66
Get a cleric to lure a mob. Chaincast > Nova > Magic Erruption > Nova > Magic Erruption when you can > Wait > Magic Erruption > Nova.

Level 67+
Best combo imo,
Nova > Magic erruption > Chaincast > Inferno > Magic Erruption > Inferno > Nova > Magic Erruption

If anyone else has anything else to add, please do so.

Quick bar. Or whatever its called.
Lots of different things to do with it. Pretty much do what you find comfortable.
So, untill level 49, this is what i had:

A simple 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 scheme.

And now:

As you see, ive decided to keep nova/inferno not on the main. imo they waste space, andi can just click Alt + 1/2 and use it!

Grinding (Needs some work and some research)
Like most other games, you will, WILL, have to grind alot.
Untill level 45's i guess, find an abyss pt and go grind for hours. After that, solo. You use more Hp pots, but remember that you can afford them with all the extre drops YOU get, not the Pt.
Start saving up quests from level 40ish and then you can race through the later 40's, same with the 50's (Keep the Dungeon quests for the x9's!). KQ quests shouldnt be save up as you never know when your going ot get the kill or not.

Level 60 Jobchange
I must say, this is incredibly easy. TOOO easy.
So, once you get to level 60 (yaaay, grattz!!!)

Mmmkay. Go restone, get some HP pots and get T3 buffs/scrolls. And you should be as safe as you will ever be.
I also recoment bringing a Few T2 antidotes with you..

  1. Go talk to Grand Master Sean in Forest of Mist. This time, no shadow dungeon, only a fake Romen.
    As you enter, you see players called '???'. I hope you would have realized this is not normal, but yea. Anyway, go talk to Roumenus, and everyone becomes a zombie :\. Time to kill them. They will poison you, so Use thoose Antidotes! After taking them one by one, you should manage without any difficulties. Part One, Complete!
  2. After having been warped back to Sean, DO NOT TALK TO HIM AGAIN!, unless you want to kill the zombies again. Instead, warp to roumen and go restone. Then Talk to Roumenus and he will take you to a pretty casino. Pick a die from the middle (The floor underneath it shuold light up) and click the thing in the middle. If you choose corectly, go and kill the Joker King (This must be a joke. Was too easy to kill), else a bunch of mobs appear. Just kill them one by one.
  3. Dont forget to restone before you talk to Roumenus again.
    Having done that, talk to him and he will bring you back into the ancient Ancient Elven Woods. You have 5 minutes to find Roumen and Elderine. Not too hard.
    Having found them, just kill the mobs that spawn all around. Fun up to them, Magic Erruption and take them down. Really, really really, easy.
    And there you go. Easy, but longwinded. Selevt your level 60 weapon, and go buy thoose spells.
It might just be me, but this was actually easier than the level 20 jobchange.
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Old 03-01-2009, 05:33 PM   #6
Angry Wolf

In-Game Name: Shade
Current Level: 87 (10% tnl, retierd)
Server: Bijou EU.
Posts: 96
xDario is on a distinguished road
Some Testing with Magic Missile one with a +0 staff, not inluding criticals.

Hence you see the use of MM1, and you will also do more crits.

-More testing in process-
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Old 03-01-2009, 06:22 PM   #7
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Terrible in a one on one PvP
Very very very wrong my friend, change it to weak in 1v1 pvp
UNTIL they get fear...

Im not gunna create a guide but I got a few things to add and I'm not tryin to hate on yours:P

Best aoe combo imo chaincast>inferno>inferno>nova> .... you should only need a couple of magic bursts after this cause the first three aoes drop mobs quicktime.

Wands are always the way to go... an aim scroll is super easy to obtain.

The lightening spells are not useless and help with kiting if you do them.
I prefer them to ice spells which after like lvl 50 were NEVER used on my mage. Infact my dmg of my lightening bolt was higher then my firebolt so yeah... I wouldnt reccomend empowering it either but it has better dmg then a few of your spells... I suggest to keep it lvled and not keep it as lvl 1

Last edited by MikeyG; 03-01-2009 at 06:29 PM..
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Old 03-01-2009, 06:59 PM   #8
Angry Wolf

In-Game Name: Shade
Current Level: 87 (10% tnl, retierd)
Server: Bijou EU.
Posts: 96
xDario is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by MikeyG View Post
Very very very wrong my friend, change it to weak in 1v1 pvp
UNTIL they get fear...

Im not gunna create a guide but I got a few things to add and I'm not tryin to hate on yours:P

Best aoe combo imo chaincast>inferno>inferno>nova> .... you should only need a couple of magic bursts after this cause the first three aoes drop mobs quicktime.

Wands are always the way to go... an aim scroll is super easy to obtain.

The lightening spells are not useless and help with kiting if you do them.
I prefer them to ice spells which after like lvl 50 were NEVER used on my mage. Infact my dmg of my lightening bolt was higher then my firebolt so yeah... I wouldnt reccomend empowering it either but it has better dmg then a few of your spells... I suggest to keep it lvled and not keep it as lvl 1
1.) Fear....Yes, you can use it once, but it has a cooldown you konw. And if the fear finishes, your prectically screwed.
2.)I wrote that combo, only it has a nova at the begining.
3.)I also recomended the wands...
4.)Mages arnt really meant for kiting, with 2 spells that arnet aoe and have a 15 second cooldown. Also, if you look at the table, ive shown you why to keep MM at level one.

Married to my lovely Teruki.
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Old 03-02-2009, 02:55 AM   #9
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Nice guide. I understand the PvP aspect as well. It's tough unless you +9 that armor and Wand/Staff, and being charmed helps.

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Old 03-02-2009, 03:28 AM   #10
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Mages can be unstoppable in pvp x.x

Also, I realized I haven't updated my guide in awhile.
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