We said we may consider this again, however, like we said last time, it's doesn't seem like it's still the right time to explore this choice.
Reason being is that receiving support from the publishers helps the site get new members and hits. We do not receive support from Gamigo, nor are we allowed to advertise Fiestafan on their site, purely because we advertise and receive support from Outspark.
The two companies are semi competition, due to select European countries. If we were to start advertising Gamigo we may lose support from Outspark. We do not want to lose it because the majority of members here play the Outspark version, so it only makes sense to try and keep the support rather than risk it when there aren't all that many Gamigo players here.
However, we may reconsider this if there's a change in events and we get to earn more support from Gamigo. We do welcome any and all Gamigo players, but we're not so sure about advertising for Gamigo.