-Don't look at your XP progress bar. Move that sucka out of the way so it doesn't keep on taunting you.
-Chat on whisper/guildies/general/shout. For Archers/ Pro. Clerics only =P
-Turn off your mind and get into a rhythym. Set the tank on follow and learn the pattern of what everyone is likely to do at any given time. Before you know it, you've gained 50% and you should have had dinner 3 hours ago. Makes you a good player (especially Cleric) too. Healing becomes automatic and you don't make mistakes due to panic.
-Party with FUN/AMAZING people regularly. Find a good group that's skilled and that plays on your time-zone. Stick to them like limpets and party them. You'll level together and it won't be nearly so hard with dependable people. If you can, wait for each other to reach the same levels so you can do quests together.
*RIP* Rush (no. 23 x__x)
-Take breaks. A looonnggg grind session isn't nearly as good as one broken into fragments. Take a bath, go for a walk, chat to people IRL then get back in-game and take some names and kick ass. You'll be even better for it.
-HAVE FUN. Don't take the game seriously XD
Last edited by Ivramire; 09-28-2008 at 05:55 PM..