Originally Posted by A_Forever
Wasn't rent or whatever about AIDs? >.> Like they actually sing about it and say, "Everyone has AIDs!" Or is that a different one?
That was a spoof on Rent from the movie Team America World Police. Not in Rent itself.
Yes, however, someone dies from AIDS, Angel, the cross dresser who loves Collins, the gay man. Roger, MiMi, Collins, Angel, all have aids. MiMi does heroine, and no one is really that happy they just find comfort in the friendship
Avenue Q is amazing, I saw it recently on broadway, almost crapped my pants I was laughing so hard. Internet is for Porn was the funniest song.
Sweeny Todd, is the most awesome thing ever. I get chill bumps every time he sings "Not one man, no nor ten men, nor a hundred, can assuige me"