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Old 09-29-2011, 09:58 AM   #11

In-Game Name: Zaccheus_I
Current Level: 49
Server: Teva
Posts: 3
zackery_zach is on a distinguished road

"You must go to Roumen Port first and give an introduction thread. Simply stop by and say hi!"

How do I do that?? Am I just gonna go roumen cheif and type a "hi" ?? or what should i do there ??
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Old 09-29-2011, 10:11 AM   #12
Hero Slime

Posts: 11
bellbearangel is on a distinguished road
Warm sunlight shines down through the thick foliage of the forest, brushing my cheeks. The mist that gives name to the forest where I currently am in blurs my vision a little. I stumbled around in a rather unlady-like manner. I’m sure that if my guild master sees me like this he would make a big fuss, and I know, through past experience, that he would start with an exasperated ,yet not unappreciated loud sigh.. I tightened the grip on my hammer, preparing to bash in the head of any monster if they even dared to venture too near ., wait, no,no, I meant preparing to protect myself when they came too near. XD

Through the mist, i see a soft glow of light. Having nothing else to do, i lifted my feet and went over to it. The sun shone down, leaving the forest glowing like Edward Cullen and that blinded me momentarily. I rubbed my eyes, and was shocked to find a ratman in front of me. It seems that it was as shocked to see me as i was him. It wore tiny clothes, and that disturbed me a little. The ratman quickly regained composure and it swiftly flashed its dagger, ready to strike. I can see it by the way it shifted its legs. Adrenaline rushes thru my blood, and i swung my hammer the way i was taught.

I swung my hammer once and it hit home. Oh well, I guess I shouldn’t be messing with ratman at the 40’s.that was no challenge at all. I guess that’s enough for the all ratman thing. X3 My favourite and of course the best memory about fiesta, it’s when I met my hubby-in-game. It was when I decided to do my skeleton knight quest after dying 327629482 times there. Nervously, and getting all my pots ready, I walked to the door and that’s where I saw him,with a high level guildy. Usually I will walk away and wait till they leave and then solo my quest. But this time, something made me ask for party. And he accepted.

After we done the quest, our fate did not just end like all the other quest party. He approached me with his puppy cuteness and invited me to quest together. And from there, we talked almost everyday and even of our different time zone, he stayed up late during his summer holiday to talk to me. And one day, we were chatting as usual and he asked for my location. Assuming he is gonna help me quest, he came to me in his red scorpion and started saying stuffs like he had the proposal ring with him forever. And then, this is when a romantic proposal happened.

~ *Barks* u are the nicest fiesta I had ever met. I wuv u, will you
marry me please? <3 ~

Feeling touched and happy. I accepted the proposal and here comes the wedding next day. Before the wedding, another incident colours my paper of memory. I met a friend while doing King Zombie quest in Graveyard of the dead. Again, expecting to die 32186438 before I can complete the quest, I saw someone in there. And..again! something made me ask for a party. And he was so friendly. Then, it’s time for the wedding and my hubby urged me to meet him by Dreian Uriel. Since not having many people in my friend list online, I invited him to my wedding.

Warped into the pretty blessed garden,the wedding starts, my heart was thumping like crazy. I was soooo excited. The pledge book started to talk and then we were drowned in the guests’ wishes. While chatting with the guests, I realize the person I invited earlier ago lives in the same place as me. We started to chat like crazy and he became the closest fiesta friend I ever had.

Life in fiesta is fun and colourful with the company of friend and hubby. These are definitely my favourite fiesta moments that is gonna make me stay.. and of course, keep me playing fiesta. ^^

SparkID : cherry37

Last edited by bellbearangel; 09-29-2011 at 10:29 AM..
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Old 09-29-2011, 10:13 AM   #13
Hero Slime

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bellbearangel is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by zackery_zach View Post
"You must go to Roumen Port first and give an introduction thread. Simply stop by and say hi!"

How do I do that?? Am I just gonna go roumen cheif and type a "hi" ?? or what should i do there ??
It means here
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Old 09-30-2011, 01:42 AM   #14
Eloren's Avatar

Posts: 21
Eloren is on a distinguished road
It's relatively easy to pick out the high points in my Fiesta journey, overcoming challenges and sharing good times with friends. But after two years, several characters, and lots of wisdom-building experience, it's kind of fun to recall some of my noobier moments...

Inching around buildings trying to get to NPCs, because I didn't yet understand the concept of rotating the camera as you move.

Thinking it was a great score to get 4c for my mat drops from an NPC.

Dying out of my first King Slime KQ, because I didn't know how aggro worked and thought I could just shoot at something and kill it. Deciding that I probably shouldn't do KQs anymore.

Having someone ask my level 25 cleric if I had a main, and answering "yeah, a level 27 mage."

I'm not sure if ignorance is bliss, but it sure is funny to look back on when you know better.
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Old 09-30-2011, 02:14 PM   #15

In-Game Name: Zaccheus_I
Current Level: 49
Server: Teva
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zackery_zach is on a distinguished road
Well, I’d start off by saying congratulation to Fiesta for its 4 year anniversary.
Spark ID: zackery_zach
First and foremost, this is a true story. There might be grammar and vocabulary mistakes, but I just wanted to tell you how much I feel for her. It’s a story entitled “Touch your heart”
And so the story begins…
My character name is Zacc, a gladiator. Apparently, the most wonderful thing that ever happened in my Fiesta life was something that I NEVER thought it would happen in my Fiesta life. In the beginning I didn’t believe that true love can be found through games. I saw threads saying 2 players were getting married in real life after playing this game. Seriously I thought it was ridiculous until I met one myself. I remember it clearly. I came back after a half year retirement. It was hot in my room and I was eagerly to level my fighter as my old friends in game had already surpassed me. It was then I met her.
Her name is Luna. She has a blonde hair and a pair of crystal blue eyes. At that time, we’re grinding snakes in Alberstol Ruins. It was just a simple meeting, looking for parties and grind all over the place. But as time goes, I got to know her better and take a liking on her. The way she talked really attracted me. It was like an aura drawing me to her. I was in love? I doubted for the moment. Taking consideration in our age and time zone, I felt we’re not suitable to marry (In game). But still I proposed to her and to my surprise she accepted. Well to be honest, the reason I proposed to her was because she was strong, a Spark cash user and also a FRIENDLY girl to depend on. After we’re married, we were blessed with happiness. Not long though a memorable one. Because of the time zone, we hardly can see each other as maybe that was my true feeling started to grow stronger.
She was a fast leveler and of course I didn’t want to drag her behind. So she promised she would level to 100 and wait for me. While she was waiting for me, she went on another character (Kas). Soon, she married a guy (Haz). My time was little; as I have school and hectic activities every day, I took like 2 to 3 weeks to reach 100. By the time I reached 100, she was still on Kas. I gradually lost my motivation to level. So I went on my lower character, Chao. Few weeks later, I came back on Zacc and was surprised that she retired her wizard, Luna because she thought I quitted. It was around 2 weeks I supposed. I was filled with a bit of disappointment. I didn’t blame her as I was at fault that I went off without telling her. Then, this was my biggest mistake I ever did. I decided to sell my gears as she was not there for me for quite some time and I felt lonely. So I thought I could spend some more time on Chao. At first, whenever we met, we would say hi but soon we had gotten further apart.
I played Chao and got her ready for PvP. I went back on Zacc started to rebuild him. By the time, Luna was at 102 and finally I started to level Zacc while she was still on Kas. She was always with Haz. Well I felt that at least when I online she could come over on Luna and we could hang out. I felt a strong sense of envious and anger perhaps. I felt like my wife was taken away from me. So I work hard to level to proof that I’m better than Haz. It was kinda impossible. Anyway finally, Zacc is 105 now and this time I will wait for her. She said she was going to capped Kas. She would sometimes online with Luna. Since she was gearless so I volunteered to farm her Leviathan Nest (LN) wiz gears. Well part of them, she bought it. Till she already had full set, we still don’t spend much time together as our time was not match at the first place and she was always on Kas with Haz.
There was once when a guy (Traz) came to me and asked, “Are you Kas hubby?” I tell him yes and he replied, “I’m her hubby too, on her another mage. She said she love me more than you.” WHAT WAS THAT? Is he trying to show off that she had taken my wife? I felt like my wife had been separated into a few people. Like I could bear to share her with someone? So maybe my envious had gradually turned into hate. I tried to talk to her. This was when she touched my heart. After much conversation, I asked, “What is Haz to you?”, “A leveling partner,” she replied. “How about me?”, “We weren’t leveling partners when I decided to marry you.” I was deeply touched by her words. After that we passed a few days together. She ran out of hp/sp extender and exp booster, so she said she would come back on Luna after she capped Kas and bought a leveling pack. We hardly could meet after that. Sometimes she would even ignore me but I knew she was not intended to. Yet I felt left out and lonely.
While I was waiting her, I created another fighter (Zacc1) and made him for 4x PvP. Until yesterday, I met her again in Elderine and we had a conversion like this.
Luna: Hi
Zacc1: Look at my 4x
Luna: You play the whole time but don’t even send a whisper or something.
Zacc1: Well I got quite busy this few weeks.
Luna: …
Zacc1: But I miss you a lot >.<
Luna: I feel kinda left out.
Zacc1: I was thinking to leave you a message in Facebook but I was afraid that you might get annoyed.
Luna: You even logged on gladiator and never say hi
Zacc1: Yesterday? I was on him to sell stuff.
Luna: In all time we are married, we passed like 2 ~ 3 weeks together. I felt left out here… well that’s how I feel. And after I saw you on an alts x.x didn’t even know you’re on is lame. I’m alone I did all the quests trying my best to level so yeah I got pissed. Now seeing you on another is just well… I felt abandoned.
I just can’t utter a word. She has the same feeling as me. At that moment, I just felt I wanna hold her in my arms tightly and tell her, “I’ve never abandoned you………”
Now I’ve decided that whenever I’m on, the first thing I will do is to check whether if she’s on. I put my heart and soul into the game to love her and I hope I would get the same in return. We’re far apart yet we’re so close connected through a game. Even we can’t meet in real; I just hope she can be my only cute little wife in game who loves me as much as I do. Now the reason I married her had changed. I married her because I really love her and wanted to protect her feelings. I hope we can do things together. I want to know more about her. I want her to be with me.
Laugh, laugh all the way out you want… but I must say I truly love her. You can say that I am childish. But maybe because of my childishness…I love her. The short moment that I spent with her was my best memories forever. Perhaps one day she might read this story and she will know that my feeling for her was never that less. I wish I can reach her heart.

This is picture where I had a conversation with her yesterday.

After I reached 100level, we came back here to hang out again.
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Old 09-30-2011, 07:51 PM   #16

Posts: 4
Chikane is on a distinguished road
awww such cute story, Zacc idk if the others are laughing but i'm not, because just like you, i fell in love over the game too ^^ and look we even have a relationship irl since may 21st (2010) .. yes, over a year!! check my entry , and i wish you best of luck with her
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Old 09-30-2011, 08:02 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by zackery_zach View Post
"You must go to Roumen Port first and give an introduction thread. Simply stop by and say hi!"

How do I do that?? Am I just gonna go roumen cheif and type a "hi" ?? or what should i do there ??

Actually it's our intro section, there was a link in the first post.

Here it is again. Just make a thread there to say hi.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:03 AM   #18
Hero Slime

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bellbearangel is on a distinguished road
Zacc's story really touched me. Just wanna say..goodluck to u and luna.
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Old 10-01-2011, 03:23 PM   #19

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Leex313 is on a distinguished road
The best memory of my Fiesta Career is uhmmm...when my mage hit 100. Definitely lol. It was a long long and hard way but , the squishy mage did it . I still remember when he was 6x and everyone was making fun of my haircut ( calling me Chicken Head LOL ) . Or when I joined KKp for the first time.@@. I was so happy when I finished my last Fire Nix quest and the squishy Chicken Head became a....Diabolic Enchanter . But he knew another bad guy will show up. And he was right. Barney was waiting for him . Then he was happy cause he finished another Nix quest , but Red this time. After a short break , The Squishy Mage came back ready to finish the challenge of his virtual life. But something happened. He decided to change his haircut cause was making of him ( still LOL ) so he became blonde and emo ( kinda haha ) . After few days , our squishy mage was fighting snakes just like Steve Irwin! ( R.I.P. ) . After 5 days he was so excited cause The Alberstrol Ruins Guardian called him and told him that he will be strong soon. And it happened , he became a...WARLOCK!! He almost had a heart attack. Next second , he was up in the sky , scouting and having fun. That was the day when the Squishy Chicken Head became one of the strongest chicken ( LOL ).

The End.

SparkID : azkaban1993
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Old 10-01-2011, 08:14 PM   #20
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In-Game Name: Dolldum
Current Level: 90
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♥Dolly♥ is on a distinguished road
SparkID: Dolldum

Ah Fiesta......

Well my journey started on another boring day.

I happened to be surfing on the internet hoping for something- anything, to do.

I happened to come across a small ad on the side of my screen.


I stared at it a bit harder.
It appeared to be a game. I have to admit, I was a bit curious, but the name threw me for a loop.

Fiesta....what if everyone was mexican?
What if I joined and I couldn't understand anyone? [Yes I am that simple-minded.]

So hence, I moved on, to another page.

Maybe it was fate, or just an annoying ad spamming my screen,
but over, and over, and over again- I would see that ad.

So finally, I clicked, and joined the world of Fiesta.

Being a cleric as a noob was pure Bliss, being the only class
that could heal themselves as much as they wanted.

When I made my character, Mari (For short), I had never
expected some of the things I went through......

One of the pains of Clericdom I experienced was at lvl 47.

The things that went on in my chat from then on ranged from
things like:

"Buff pls."
"Buff Plz."


Wanna get married? .......

....I remeber it clearly that day,
the weather was hot, and I was in a particularly annoyed mood.

And in my whisper, those word's appeared.
Those horrible, horrible words.

"Buff plz."

After being spammed for the 1,357th time for the day,
my patience snapped.

Smashing my key's till they almost broke, I sent back:

"Why don't YOU buff ME, HUH?!?"

He replied: "o.o"

In my rage, I ran around Eldrine screaming for buffs.

I screamed at mages, I screamed at archers,
I screamed at fighters.

Yes, I even screamed at other Clerics.

The most common reply I got was: "o_0"

And some other replies (which sadly), I cannot post on this. xD

Due to my "Blunt" nature, I tend to scare alot of people
(Prime example above),
but there was one person in particular who found something in me I couldn't.

It was another Hot, Irritable day,- too lazy to do anything,
I sat under a tree in Eldrine and watched the town go by.

A whisper appeared in my chat- my friend asking for help.
Using whatever little kindness I did have, I agreed, and made my way to Vine Tomb.

To my suprise, My friend wasn't alone,
a small, lower leveled fighter was tagging along with him.

"Who is this guy?" I asked.
"Oh he's just my friend, he needed some xp so he's tagging along", he answered.

I wasn't fond of plvling, but I was too lazy to muster up the energy to argue.

Some halfway through killing Hob fighters, I noticed something strange.

He was too close.

While my friend was going about killing, his fighter buddy had hoddled himself right next to me.

I didn't think much of it, so I moved a little away.
Lo and Behold, once again I find him, right on top of me.

Annoyed, I told him to move.
He replied with a quick sorry and kept his distance.

After we finished our quest, I decided to depart.
We said our bye's, and I figured I'd probaly never see that fighter again.

...I was wrong.

Very wrong.

The next day, My energy regained and determined to level,
I head to back to Vine tomb.

While slowly killing procks, I see a mage dash by.

He stops and calls out, "Hey Mari!"
I finish off the prock and turn to see who it was.

It was my friend.
Glad to have company, We pt'ed up and set out on our quest together.

....Im not sure when he appeared, but he did.
Suddenly, a third person had joined our party.

I figured it was maybe someone who also needed the quest,
but Lo and Behold- it was the "him" again.

During the rest of our questing I kept quiet, and didn't say anything to him.

Everything was going just how I wanted, until My friend had to turn in,
and I was left, alone with the fighter.

I hid myself in my shroom without a word, which seemed to work until
he remembered there was another person here with him.

He started talking to me, about weird stuff, dumb stuff....just any...stuff.

For as long as I could endure, I tried to ignore him, but eventually I caved.

I started talking to him little by little, and no matter what I said, even if it was harsh or mean, when he replied, it always had a smile.

He wasn't afraid of me, and he didnt Flinch in the least at anything I said.

As we started to talk more, I learned many things about him.

Weird things, Funny things, and how cute it was when he showed his childish side.

I can't exactly remeber the day now....,
but he called out to me, and asked me to meet him at Moonlight tomb.

I agreed, and when I arrived I was greeted by a few people around him.
I said hello, and they all went about their business killing monsters and such.
I sat and watched, but after I while I finally got up and turned to him.

"What did you call me here for?"

He didn't answer right away, more actually avoided my question completely, and when I turned to leave, he stopped me.


"What is it?" I turned around.

I wasn't going to let him waste more of my time. I turned again, and started to walk off.

"Wait!" He called out again.
"What is it?!" I turned around.

"Marry me."

Im not sure what happened,

Maybe I died for a second,
or someone stopped time,

But the next thing I knew I had already said "Yes".

Looking back on it, maybe being proposed to in a graveyard wasn't the best setting.
(And I hope no one else does it in the future.)


Who could forget the people I've met?

Every single one of them, even if it was only for a little while,
was very important to me.

Maybe We've Met In person before, and we didn't even know it?

Or maybe some day, we will meet.

But all the same, when we are tired at the end of the day,
and desperately want an escape,

our hearts and minds can connect at that gate,

at our Escape,


[Mari- 93 Cleric]

Last edited by ♥Dolly♥; 10-01-2011 at 08:22 PM..
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