the world chat had alot of talk in it last night
and the lvl 50 guy i was with sed u see ppl mainly 30+
but sed theres more ppl then there was on codemaster
and if ur on some time after school and that guy on
if u wanna do nothing but make 200k a hour just tell me
cuz thats wut ima be doing u just sit there afk for 50min
then he gives u 200k for just standing in one spot then repeats
for a nother hour again and if we find like lvl 75+
they prob will pay like 5m a hour
and i also went on at like 9pm so there wasnt many ppl on
cuz they prob lived in the east and was like 12am for them rofl
but yea wen i get home at lunch ill see but if not u should still
play archerlord so we can be on the top scores =D
lols ranked 20th yea boy