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Old 02-16-2008, 04:39 AM   #31
Tournaments Won: 35

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im sure they wouldnt justput u in for that u must of sed somthing
else to them or forgot that u mite of befor the GM's woudn't put u
in jail for that its ur falt u should pay the time it's ur lose and telling
us about it wont get u anywere u have to talk to the GM's about it
so dont tell ppl not to post in here if ur going to start this fourm
u prob dont care wut we have to say yea i say it sucks losing ur
items but yea deal with it and get new ones
Old 02-16-2008, 04:42 AM   #32

^Please use punctuation. Also, this is the rage area so...He can post about it =\
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Old 02-16-2008, 07:40 PM   #33
Mushroom Fighter
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ok i know you guy's thinking and saying that i did something more but the truth is i didn't, i mean i posted the whole story eather here or on the outspark fourms all i said is that "GM is a coward" but im more calmed down about it now i am however still a little upset about the premium items but your not in the same shoes im in you can't tell me that if you were put in jail for such a stupid reason you wouldnt be mad about watching your real money go down the drain

and i also hope that GM SnakeEyes does post here cause im hopeing he took a screen shot just to prove to eveyone that thats all i did

If i actually did something bad enough to go to jail for do you think i would have gone threw this much trouble and all this arguing and getting bad rep on both sites?
ummm - LVL 53 cleric
ALWAYS hammered

hmmm - 46 Mage

Last edited by ummm; 02-16-2008 at 07:59 PM..
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