Horror stories.
1. Yup, found another no. 1. A 8x cleric who keeps dying to Corny because I'm feared. Guess who she blames.
Not me. She blamed the mages for not stifling xD
2. A lv2x cleric. I've never heard of a lamer excuse not to heal me. I'm a 2x mage, all scrolled up, and I have 945 hp. I fight, get hit, say "heal please". No heal. I ask her why (and it's my caddy), she says: "I don't heal ppl below 1000HP.
3. 2x tower party. Inexplicably, no-one thinks of inviting a cleric. So we go in (I only need up to stone golem), and fight. I wonder why I'm the only one who doesn't die when kiting the golem...where's the SKILL nowadays?
4. PKers in 2x abyss. Seriously I don't know why they pick on me. Not like they can kill me...but they never give up. Then I DC