Yippeekaiyay, Motherfu...
Tournaments Won: 10
In-Game Name: Helion_65, UndeadMonkey, BigFatDaddy, HackNFool, MonkeysSoul, Horakthy
Current Level: 104/93/86/115/104/64
Server: Teva
Posts: 747
Not having a cleric doesn't make a failed KQ, it's the will of the players that determines success or failure. We did a KKP with 2 fighters, 3 mages and 8 archers (2 other fighters bailed as soon as they found out that we had no clerics). I tanked with my archer since the fighters didn't have +9 gears or shields, we lost no one and won in time to jump into the next one before it started. Stones and pots are enough to survive, you just have to know when to use them and be willing to use them. I think a lot of players expect to never have to use stones and pots, so when they have to, they fold.