Post your weird/funny/sad game stories HERE!
Okay, lets do it!
-I cried twice when playing games. Once was in Metroid Fusion, where I thought I messed up, so I thought I had to start ALL OVER again, even though it me this long to go there. But, it just happened that, there was just I could go through, it was just that there was a hidden passageway, and I never saw that, because something was covering the passageway, so I thought it was just a wall... Another time was in Fire Emblem, where I accidently erased my game...Geez, that game when you erase a game, it doesn't even ask you if you're sure, like other games.
-When I used to play Rumble Fighter, an online fighting game, you could dance that looked like the old Dance 2 from Fiesta, the lap dance dance. Anyway, when you defeat people in Rumble Fighter, the person would just lay there, so you can practically do ANYTHING do them, as long as your attack would hit the ground. So, what I would do, is dance on top of dead people, usually girls though. While I danced, I usually said, "It's PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!" And do that while dancing on top of them, so it would look very weird. I did that to this one girl, and she was disgusted by it, but for some reason, after the fight, she PM'd me, daying, "You can peanut butter jelly time anytime on me." My jaw dropped... WE actually had private battles just doing that for the whole time. I wonder what's she doing now.
Long, huh?
Thanks cillia!
ks = kirbysprite
ks =\= kill steal