i play a cleric
and my major pet peeve about cleric are if theres 2 or 3 clerics in a party i feel like im the only one healing like the other clerics are going "hmm well with this many clerics i can just stand around and attack" AAAARRRG
just because there's more than one cleric in your party dosn't mean that you should just stand around whacking stuff... please HEAL
and to the mages... don't pull an entire room in abyss without either 3+clerics or t3 scrolls i can only heal 1260 on a 2 sec recast and 1200 on a much longer recast calm it down the mobs will wait i promise
and tanks as long as im not getting hit your doing a damned good job imo keep it up
archers... i know you kite everything it comes with the job but dont run halfway across the map and expect me to follow you into fields of aggro... take it slow no need to go overboard and lose xp then yell that i wasn't healing sorry but im not risking my xp because you wanted the whole room
maybe im asking too much... but every so often ya get into that perfect party and everything just flows
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.