Originally Posted by Destrus
i get mad at fighters who say they want to tank but then don't mock and/or taunt and end up losing aggro or just cant' tank whatever it is they're trying to tank in the first place.
That's one of my personel petpeeves. Esprcially if they get mad if someone else takes over, because they keep loosing the boss and getting all the archers and mages killed.
I had a Gold Hill like that today. the guy declared himself tank right away.
That always makes me a little suspicious, so I watched him tank.
When he lost Marlone for the second time I'd had enough and took over.
his first reaction was to tell me something along the line of 2 stop kickking or he'll kill you faster. I told him to hold aggro then. Weirdly enough I didn't die though and he lost him again right before the boss died...
The miner was the same, only that here he died because he kept losing aggro and the clerics were buisy figuring out who was tanking when.
On the bright side the next Kq had an amazing tank who mocked and kicked.
On the topic of clerics, yes you can fight, too. And I couldn't care less what you do on the way to the boss, but whaat good does your dmg do, when the tank can't outpot the boss?
I guess my problem with clerics is that alot of them seem to want to be a dual class, but fail to realize which one they should prioritize in certain situations.