Favourite Quotes to YoU..^^
hiya~! So what's ur favourite quotes in ur life? Quotes that u apply in ur life...quotes that inspire u...quotes that cheers u up...it can be any quotes from famous people,cartoon,songs or anime or manga or even from your own self...! (^.^) so here's one of my favourite quotes that i use in my life..or contantly remind myself,that is. It's pretty amazing how words truly are much more sharper than swords. So share some of ur fave quotes here..if its meaning is deep,pls do xplain it. that will be appreciated very much. Who knows ur quotes will be someone else's new fave quotes in life...or someone out there needs one. (^.^)
'' In a world where you can be anything,BE YOURSELF''-Anonymous.
"Whether fairies have tails or not, or whether they even exist, nobody knows for sure. So it's like an eternal mystery, an eternal adventure."
(Makarov explains to Natsu the idea behind the name of Fairy Tail)