The Fiesta wiki was for the Outspark version, then the Gamigo version after they took over. Some info from other versions might have snuck in but probably very little. There was a fiesta wiki on wikia, and another fansite sparkonline had an info database, but those were for the same North American version of fiesta as ours, and both are offline now. There were also fansites for other versions we linked to on our wiki until they went offline. You can still see the links if you look at an old version of our wiki front page: According to this
post some guild had a wiki too, also probably offline:
That isn't the only Wiki for Fiesta I've seen the Aoni No Kaz or whatever the heck that guild is called. They have one on their guild forums
You could try putting some of those dead links in and see what was there.
What's TW stand for?