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Yosei 02-12-2008 01:39 AM

GRAWR!!! All about All The Rage(read before posting)
Had a bad day on Fiesta? Ticked off that someone trained you? Upset the latest update is running a little late? Come let it out here. But before you do.. we have a few rules you MUST go by when posting.

1. Change all names or keep it confidential. We don't want to hear "Argh that Lady_Loki is getting on my nerves!!! She's trained me 5 times!" Instead.. find a name that isn't on there like "Argh that Brock Sampson is getting on my nerves!!" Get it?
2. No hinting either! Like "That one guild that most of the mods are in is a bunch of idiots!"
3. No threats in ANY way!
4. Don't flame.. yes, you can rant without flaming, it is possible.

AnimosityAlone 02-12-2008 01:41 AM

Side note: This was posted after I made my thread.

Ivramire 02-12-2008 01:41 AM

Home, thy name is Rage.

Ranting without Flaming is going to be a mite bit tricky O.o

EDIT- I'm guessing post-count doesn't go up in here?

Belaslav 02-12-2008 01:43 AM

I think it's missing a few... Like provoking others.

Yosei 02-12-2008 01:49 AM

Provoking can go under threat.

Hessah 02-12-2008 01:53 AM

love ur examples!!

@lvra: i jsut tested... the posts are counted here

Spirit 02-12-2008 02:05 AM

That doesn't mean spamming will be allowed.

Hyper 02-12-2008 02:06 AM

Heh... Heh...

Oohhhh... >.>;;

Zwivix 02-12-2008 06:13 PM

Hmm this is a two edged blade. Because most people will turn to flaming if they are as angry as I think people will get. It's a good way to vent some of the anger people have,but you must remember not everyone is going to have self control.

About the spam I hope you actually moderate the spam, not like on other topics.

Hope it works out though.

Yosei 02-12-2008 06:54 PM

We're keeping a close look on this section ^^

Spirit 02-12-2008 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Zwivix (Post 89203)
Hmm this is a two edged blade. Because most people will turn to flaming if they are as angry as I think people will get. It's a good way to vent some of the anger people have,but you must remember not everyone is going to have self control.

About the spam I hope you actually moderate the spam, not like on other topics.

Hope it works out though.

We have discussed all these issues and we plan to watch this section very very closely. If there is any hint of flaming we will edit it and close the thread. The person will automatically be infracted. We posted the infraction warning and that is the only warning we will give. We opened this section to give our members a place to vent their frustrations. This CAN be done without naming names. It is simple - put a fake name for the person's real name, do not give details about the person/guild so that readers can identify who you are talking about, or simply leave names out of it.

Spam messages will be dealt with as we see necessary.

But, hopefully everyone will be respectable to what we are trying to do and the environment we are trying to give our members. If members start to abuse this section, it can be deleted as easily as it was created. I would hope that all of our members can appreciate our efforts and remain respectable of our guidelines and rules. :)

Belaslav 02-12-2008 10:04 PM

IMO, opening this section is like letting a kid play with matches near dynamite.

Hessah 02-12-2008 10:36 PM

can i just clarify... i thought this section's post does count.. if post counts it means no spamming automatically isnt it?!

or is it just this stickied thread that post counts and other sections doesnt??

Spirit 02-12-2008 11:26 PM

No spaming anywhere in this section, stickied or not. Post counts do count, therefore we will be monitoring spam. If it gets out of hand, we can make post counts not count and then it won't matter. But, for right now we wanted to let posts count, because this is a version of Fiesta General, it is just dedicated to rants and frustrations.

Yosei 02-13-2008 12:38 AM

It is possible to rant without being so RAWR about it... if need be, I will make a sample rant.

Blaaaaaaaah 02-13-2008 12:57 AM

We will be heavily moderating this thread. We can guarantee you that. We might even close some threads if it looks like it's gonna turn into flames. You might even end up calling us a bit tight sooner or later when we start moderating threads that might turn into flames. xD

Believe me, we wouldn't want flaming in any part of FiestaFan as much as you do.

walnut 04-24-2008 11:16 AM

errr what's "flaming" exactly?

Blaaaaaaaah 04-24-2008 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by walnut (Post 131977)
errr what's "flaming" exactly?

Flaming is when you provoke a "fight" with another member. For example, name calling, racial slurs, personal insults, etc.

walnut 04-24-2008 12:50 PM

ahhhh flaming=taunting i see thank you :)

Spirit 05-07-2008 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Yosei (Post 88788)
Had a bad day on Fiesta? Ticked off that someone trained you? Upset the latest update is running a little late? Come let it out here. But before you do.. we have a few rules you MUST go by when posting.

1. Change all names or keep it confidential. We don't want to hear "Argh that Lady_Loki is getting on my nerves!!! She's trained me 5 times!" Instead.. find a name that isn't on there like "Argh that Brock Sampson is getting on my nerves!!" Get it?
2. No hinting either! Like "That one guild that most of the mods are in is a bunch of idiots!"
3. No threats in ANY way!
4. Don't flame.. yes, you can rant without flaming, it is possible.

BUMPING this to REMIND people of ONE of the FEW rules that this forum does have.

Aryia 05-09-2008 12:31 PM

there is rules? lol hmmm makes since though. i would think those rules are kinda err common sense though yah knw lol

Spirit 04-13-2009 01:49 PM

Bumping for all our new members. If you are going to post in All The Rage, Read at least the 1st. post in this thread first.

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