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OzzyD 04-25-2008 04:59 PM

Drop cataloging for Wiki
You may have seen by now, that people (like myself) have started putting drop ratios for bad guys into the Wiki.


Helping us is easy. We have devised a piece of software which will allow you to tell us what drops you get from what bad guys, in which areas, for your level and class. (If you have more than one PC, or have a dual-screen monitor setup, you will find it easier to use ^.^)

You can find it here. It's quite simple to use. Once you sign up, it's a three step operation. Select the map, select the bad guy, record the drops.

At certain points, certain people (probably me, but Dezza might help if I poke him enough) will translate this info to the Wiki pages.

Simple guide. Only count drops from non-KS'd mobs by soloing people.

Because not all the maps/monsters/drops are in the database yet, will be giving first 10 people or so map, monster, and drop adding privileges.

Any problems, you can either discuss them here, or for a quicker response, we have our own discussion board :D

Thanks for your time,


Yosei 04-25-2008 05:00 PM

I'm moving this to the wiki section.

Yatsushiro 04-25-2008 06:57 PM

I'm not too clear on this.

I've signed up, taken a look around and whatever.

You mean you'd like me to record all of the drops that I get, from which monster, and how many of each item, and then pop it in your database?

If that's right, simple enough.

What I'm not too sure on -- I select the drop from the list, then in the box next to it put how many?

Just wanna clear it up so I don't do it wrong!!

Thanks in advance.

Dezza 04-25-2008 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Yatsushiro (Post 132776)
What I'm not too sure on -- I select the drop from the list, then in the box next to it put how many?

I believe that is correct, yes.

Ralath 04-25-2008 08:02 PM

Hm... how are you guys differentiating between those who use Hunter's War Rant and those who don't?

Or does it not matter...?

But still a really cool project. I'll try to help out!

Triumph 04-25-2008 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ralath (Post 132806)
Hm... how are you guys differentiating between those who use Hunter's War Rant and those who don't?

Or does it not matter...?

But still a really cool project. I'll try to help out!

The Hunter's War Rant increases drop rate by 50%; I believe that means more items drop, but the ratio remains the same.

OzzyD 04-25-2008 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Yosei (Post 132737)
I'm moving this to the wiki section.

You have a Wiki section?! Lol, sorry. Didn't see that :-#


Originally Posted by Yatsushiro (Post 132776)
I'm not too clear on this.

I've signed up, taken a look around and whatever.

You mean you'd like me to record all of the drops that I get, from which monster, and how many of each item, and then pop it in your database?

If that's right, simple enough.

What I'm not too sure on -- I select the drop from the list, then in the box next to it put how many?

Just wanna clear it up so I don't do it wrong!!

Thanks in advance.

You can select a map from the left menu, then choose the required mob from the list or the second menu, and then from there, select "record drop" from the drop menu. You select your player class, and insert the level, followed by the drop(s) given and the quantity.

You can do everything from the record drop by typing things in... e.g. if you type "har" in the monster field, you'd get "Harkan", or "ten" in the first drop field, it'll automatically select "Tender Meat" :P


Originally Posted by Ralath (Post 132806)
Hm... how are you guys differentiating between those who use Hunter's War Rant and those who don't?

Or does it not matter...?

But still a really cool project. I'll try to help out!

It doesn't matter. It's better to have Hunter's War Rant tho ;) Gets the job done faster :D

P.S. Sorry for the lateness of reply - I've been out.

Ralath 04-26-2008 05:57 AM

What does the Domain (Local Database vs. From Forum Database) mean? And which one do I want to use?

Also, are you the one that adds map or can we do it ourselves? (Abysmal Summit would be a nice map to add.) ^^

OzzyD 04-26-2008 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Ralath (Post 133065)
What does the Domain (Local Database vs. From Forum Database) mean? And which one do I want to use?

Also, are you the one that adds map or can we do it ourselves? (Abysmal Summit would be a nice map to add.) ^^

The software has its own database on my server. Local Database is the software's own personal database.

Forum Database just allows you to use your username and password from the Project Alpha Forums to access the system.

You can use either.

As for the maps and monster adding, consider yourself with elevated access rights :D

You solo in Abysmal Summit?? (Don't count drops in parties) I suppose that's possible.

Ralath 04-26-2008 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by OzzyD (Post 133093)
You solo in Abysmal Summit?? (Don't count drops in parties) I suppose that's possible.

I solo because I can't find good parties half the time... >_>

Hyper 04-26-2008 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by OzzyD (Post 133093)
You solo in Abysmal Summit?? (Don't count drops in parties) I suppose that's possible.

Soloing in the BGs is easy... o: AoE soloing isn't even that hard. (Unless Spirit is distracting you! xD)

Btw, the catalogue isn't working. (Nevermind, covered.)

OzzyD 04-26-2008 07:47 PM

Yeah I been editing it, making it look nicer :) ..the code that is

Sorry :P

nekoneko 04-28-2008 02:39 AM

now do you want them to be by the amounts 1,2 or do you want just that item cuz I killed 1000 goblins and I have it broken down to the certain aspects

also how do you input new items into the data base?

OzzyD 04-28-2008 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by nekoneko (Post 133849)
now do you want them to be by the amounts 1,2 or do you want just that item cuz I killed 1000 goblins and I have it broken down to the certain aspects

Yeah 1s and 2s please. I saw your entry for a goblin on lv 43 and thought it was a mistake! It's been caught and waiting to be verified by me

Notice I've now added the line:

Example: On the screen you will see something like '[Tough Meat
(1)] has been obtained'. Select tough meat from the drop down
box, and place 1 in the text box to the right.

hope this helps

Originally Posted by nekoneko (Post 133857)
also how do you input new items into the data base?

I'll give you permissions to add drops.

nekoneko 04-28-2008 02:51 PM

thanks, cuz i would have gone crazy... yeah I was like where in the world are the drop rates for this game ,because clearly, its been out for about 5 months now and no one has started lol XD

on a side note... I'll probably start another chara so I can go kill 1000 slimes and 1000 mushrooms later after finals are over XD

also are you going to catalog drop rates from gathering?

OzzyD 04-28-2008 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by nekoneko (Post 134170)
thanks, cuz i would have gone crazy... yeah I was like where in the world are the drop rates for this game ,because clearly, its been out for about 5 months now and no one has started lol XD

on a side note... I'll probably start another chara so I can go kill 1000 slimes and 1000 mushrooms later after finals are over XD

also are you going to catalog drop rates from gathering?

That's an idea - I'll start working on just how to impliment it tho'

Also, your goblin one is still on my validate list. Am I to assume that you listed the drops you couldn't put up elsewhere and still have them? If this is the case, please put them up so my accepting of your first token doesn't skew the results... otherwise I'll have to decline it :( which would be a waste of your time

nekoneko 04-28-2008 06:46 PM

yes i started listing the items...i too am a busy college kid so, I'll help edit things as I go...also it would be nice if you put a separate indicator for rings/ necklaces , event items, and also pets? those are my 2 bits for now and it would also be good if you put how many times you killed that monster so that the results are better.... I has an excel file if you want me to send that to you I can....I put results into a pivot really bored, XD but let me know... thanks

popcornkills 04-28-2008 06:49 PM

I'll have loads of spare time starting next week and I have a range of characters. Mind if I help, too?

Also- if we're taking on boss monsters in duo and the characters are the same level would that information be OK? Just wondering because Nekoneko and I had spent some time beating up the Skeleton Knight...

EDIT :: Just another thought - have you considered including the drops people get from the KQs?

nekoneko 04-28-2008 07:17 PM

so I noticed that trying to input the Storm horseman's flail and other horseman's flail's end up with errors any way to fix this?

popcornkills 04-28-2008 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by nekoneko (Post 134248)
so I noticed that trying to input the Storm horseman's flail and other horseman's flail's end up with errors any way to fix this?

While on the subject, a similar note: will adding a [+1], [+2], etc affect how the items show up in the database?

Also: When adding maps to the database, would you like screen shots (saved as .jpgs, or bitmaps or what have you) or are we allowed to directly link to the Wiki?

Ralath 04-29-2008 04:31 AM

Also, I haven't checked yet (the database is still showing up as broken for me) but I definitely think there should be a Nothing item.

I killed like 3 Goblins last night (yellow to me) and I got Nothing.... >.<

OzzyD 04-29-2008 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by nekoneko (Post 134236)
yes i started listing the items...i too am a busy college kid so, I'll help edit things as I go...also it would be nice if you put a separate indicator for rings/ necklaces , event items, and also pets? those are my 2 bits for now and it would also be good if you put how many times you killed that monster so that the results are better.... I has an excel file if you want me to send that to you I can....I put results into a pivot really bored, XD but let me know... thanks

Have done this. The system is capable of telling me how many times the monster has been defeated - I just havent implimented that yet.


Originally Posted by popcornkills (Post 134237)
I'll have loads of spare time starting next week and I have a range of characters. Mind if I help, too?

Also- if we're taking on boss monsters in duo and the characters are the same level would that information be OK? Just wondering because Nekoneko and I had spent some time beating up the Skeleton Knight...

EDIT :: Just another thought - have you considered including the drops people get from the KQs?

I'm trying to keep the corruption of data down to a minimum. Therefore, unfortunately, you can't store group data... yet.

Usually you work in teams in KQs unless you Kill Steal, in each case neither count as valid drops yet.


Originally Posted by nekoneko (Post 134248)
so I noticed that trying to input the Storm horseman's flail and other horseman's flail's end up with errors any way to fix this?

Yeah that's my fault - I know, but can't tell you exactly what's going on tho'. It's a problem I'm working on.


Originally Posted by popcornkills (Post 134262)
While on the subject, a similar note: will adding a [+1], [+2], etc affect how the items show up in the database?

Also: When adding maps to the database, would you like screen shots (saved as .jpgs, or bitmaps or what have you) or are we allowed to directly link to the Wiki?

Don't add +1 or +2 items into the database please. Just the standard. I'll write some workaround for this. To be honest, dropped weapons are rare enough not to warrent 10 different instances!

As for the map thing, it might be a good idea. Do remember I'm trying to help the Wiki, not take it over!


Originally Posted by Ralath (Post 134548)
Also, I haven't checked yet (the database is still showing up as broken for me) but I definitely think there should be a Nothing item.

I killed like 3 Goblins last night (yellow to me) and I got Nothing.... >.<

We don't need a nothing item, you could just submit an empty query :D

Storing empties would mean I'd have to empty the databse tho... again!

OzzyD 04-29-2008 02:25 PM

We had some downtime
We now got some updates :D

popcornkills 04-29-2008 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by OzzyD (Post 134731)
Usually you work in teams in KQs unless you Kill Steal, in each case neither count as valid drops yet.

I guess I should have been more specific. I didn't mean the mob drops but rather the contents of the chests that you receive when you succeed.

OzzyD 04-30-2008 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by popcornkills (Post 134970)
I guess I should have been more specific. I didn't mean the mob drops but rather the contents of the chests that you receive when you succeed.

Ah ok. Not yet :P

popcornkills 05-03-2008 07:08 PM

My account was deleted ..?

OzzyD 05-03-2008 09:02 PM

On the drop counter? I haven't deleted any accounts. :|

Either you didn't sign up or something else has gone wrong.

If it's the forums, then probably something spurious came up, like non-existant password or spurious e-mail filtering and so on...

Ralath 05-04-2008 03:21 AM

Ozzy--I'm having some problems using the row of tabs across the top from the link in the original post. I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that I'm on IE or what because I didn't have problems accessing it on Firefox.

But the tabs just are workable for me at the moment.

popcornkills 05-04-2008 05:07 AM

We had some fun creating new characters and killing slimes and mushrooms tonight. Poor Nekoneko was logging for me the whole time... ^__^

Hooray for data!

OzzyD 05-04-2008 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Ralath (Post 137072)
Ozzy--I'm having some problems using the row of tabs across the top from the link in the original post. I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that I'm on IE or what because I didn't have problems accessing it on Firefox.

But the tabs just are workable for me at the moment.

The use of any Microsoft product like IE is not recommended, because it's useless. Nevertheless, I'll have a look at it.

The menu SHOULD work in IE, it was part of a university project (Dezza wrote the core, I made massive tweaks ^.^). It was tested in over 10 browsers, so I'm told, and none of them complained about it.


Originally Posted by popcornkills (Post 137185)
We had some fun creating new characters and killing slimes and mushrooms tonight. Poor Nekoneko was logging for me the whole time... ^__^

Hooray for data!

Haha I noticed - big shock when I woke up this morning and had nearly 400 drops to validate. Did finally get me around to writing a yes for all function tho :D Thanks for that

Dezza 05-04-2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by OzzyD (Post 137324)
It was tested in over 10 browsers

It was? That's news to me.. I only remember 8 - Firefox 2.5, Firefox 3b5, IE6, IE7, Safari, Lynx, Opera, Konqueror.

Anyways, I'll take a look at the menu code. It's probs IE again :rolleyes:

Edit: Yeah - it's dead in IE7 - not tried IE6 though. Will work on a fix for that right away.

nekoneko 05-04-2008 04:17 PM

me logging for 2 hours straight XD, hands were tired after that oh well

Ralath 05-04-2008 06:13 PM

Woot! It works now. :D

OzzyD 05-06-2008 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Dezza (Post 137356)
It was? That's news to me.. I only remember 8 - Firefox 2.5, Firefox 3b5, IE6, IE7, Safari, Lynx, Opera, Konqueror.

Anyways, I'll take a look at the menu code. It's probs IE again :rolleyes:

Edit: Yeah - it's dead in IE7 - not tried IE6 though. Will work on a fix for that right away.

Well I was going on what Shortie told me in the last meeting. *It* uses IE7 and *it* didn't complain... not that we were listening!


Originally Posted by Ralath (Post 137429)
Woot! It works now. :D

Yay! (What did I do?? :eek:) ...erm I mean yeah...:rolleyes: I fixed it!

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