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Ivramire 07-12-2008 05:26 AM

@T6 Yeah, that's what I tell them.

They then tell me all the anecdotes of friends who got blues -.-

You'd think they'd figure out something that used to be common knowledge in the 20's and Mara KQs.

No helping some people I guess...

Loveless 07-12-2008 05:33 AM

Hasn't anybody told them to not believe anything on the Internet?

Geez Hessah, you're really making me want to get that last... 60%. I'm SO looking forward to KKP now. Though I know there is one person who has been famous for being a leech. So famous that instead of "___ is leeching" it has turned into "____ is pulling a _the person famous of leeching_". -sigh- I think there should be an IQ test to get the 2nd job.

Andromeda 07-12-2008 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 186743)
Hasn't anybody told them to not believe anything on the Internet?

Geez Hessah, you're really making me want to get that last... 60%. I'm SO looking forward to KKP now. Though I know there is one person who has been famous for being a leech. So famous that instead of "___ is leeching" it has turned into "____ is pulling a _the person famous of leeching_". -sigh- I think there should be an IQ test to get the 2nd job.

Problem is then there will be alot of announcements saying ____ has recieved "Kingdom Quest Victim"

Well at least KKP isnt as bad as Mara KQ that KQ now on Teva you only have like a 1 in 4 chance of winning now...

Ralath 07-12-2008 05:40 AM

Wish they'd just add a kick option or at least a time-out option.


Hessah 07-12-2008 05:42 AM


@ Kaidou - So it's OK if i just ditch him? I'm still trying to understand how the lvl 7x thinks... I was told not to heal my party's cleric... and i'm like EH?

And Booyah explained to me that they rather I fight, and they can heal themselves... (and i think they were testing Sacrifice as well...)

@Loveless - Yeah you have a lot to look forward to XD
LOL so the person's name now became... an icon, a term for leeching...

famous for being infamous?

Sero 07-12-2008 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Hessah (Post 186651)
Ok.. i just got to lvl 70.. so exploring KKP KQ....

i've only been to about 5.. but so far I've already seen 2 archers with no armour, or they're wearing 2x gear....

Wats up with that??

The guy with no armour, i had to rev him 4 times in that half an hr....

After he died for the 3rd time, he said "maybe i should've stayed back", so I said "maybe you should put armours on", and he replied "its in storage XD"


Its so annoying, I had to heal him TWICE coz he takes big dmg... I had to stay back to rev him while the rest of my party run on ahead...

People get bored so they become inconsiderate?

Leave him alone =D?

Ivramire 07-12-2008 05:47 AM

Maybe the system should be revamped in such a way such that leeching becomes useless.

Like instead of everyone getting the same random rewards no matter what you do in the KQ, what if the contents and xp was determined by how much you actually did in the KQ?

Like modifiers where you get better rewards, Clerics get better % of better rewards the more they heal / do damage / take damage (make it so that Healing gives more benefit versus dealing damage), Fighters have to take / deal damage, getting more reward if they tank rather than attack, Mages and Archers rated not on how much damage they do but damage if weapons were all +0 so CS users wouldn't be advantaged in all KQs.

Each character of each class in the KQ would then be 'rated' and compared to everyone else in the class to scale who did most and least. People who did nothing get nothing and the people at the top have highest chance of getting the best rewards.

It's just because a vote-kick option would be abusable, an activity meter foolable, and having to train afkers just plain retarded.

Hessah 07-12-2008 05:50 AM

I can see lotsa dispute coming up if it was based on "performace"

wat if... everyone has to give their party member a "rating" at the end of each KQ... Defaults 5 stars, if they dont do anything party members can vote 1 star and they get less reward...

force ppl to form party than to be a 1 man band...

Ralath 07-12-2008 05:51 AM

@lvra-Sounds nice but... @_@ Wow. Implementing it sounds... hard?

An activity meter might not be that bad if they set certain requirements such as... must damage mobs or something.

I dunno. @_@

Wish they'd do something about it though.

Andromeda 07-12-2008 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Hessah (Post 186757)

@ Kaidou - So it's OK if i just ditch him? I'm still trying to understand how the lvl 7x thinks... I was told not to heal my party's cleric... and i'm like EH?

And Booyah explained to me that they rather I fight, and they can heal themselves... (and i think they were testing Sacrifice as well...)

@Loveless - Yeah you have a lot to look forward to XD
LOL so the person's name now became... an icon, a term for leeching...

famous for being infamous?


I remember one KKP I did there was a fighter running around with Lv 20 armour on and he ran right into the Mob to start pulling Mara he died almost straight away then I took Mara and started pulling her and left him sitting there to rot

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