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Spirit 11-07-2007 02:53 PM

Okay, I need clarification. Because I have three computers in my house, and at any given time, we can have all three computers running, and all three will be playing Fiesta. For example - I am playing on my account, my son is playing on his account, and I have a third account that is vending on my third computer. However, this third computer could actually have another person in my household playing on it, it is not just for vending. So am I bannable?

Edit: I just went back and reread GM Steam's comment. It looks like he is saying you can have multiple accounts, because of the words "Dual users". However, you can not have multiple accounts running on the same computer at the same time. But, again how would they know? If all three of my computers are using the same IP?
Besides, I have enough time keeping my little girl alive with nothing else going on. How in the world does one play two accounts at the same time????

Blaaaaaaaah 11-07-2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit (Post 39286)
Okay, I need clarification. Because I have three computers in my house, and at any given time, we can have all three computers running, and all three will be playing Fiesta. For example - I am playing on my account, my son is playing on his account, and I have a third account that is vending on my third computer. However, this third computer could actually have another person in my household playing on it, it is not just for vending. So am I bannable?

This is where the confusion begins.

If you, just yourself, is playing on two accounts at the same time, then it is bannable, but the problem is - how will the check it? We do not know.

It's just like how me and my sister plays - on two computers, two different people. This is perfectly fine. Thing is, I'm not sure how they will be able to check whether it's one person playing or two people playing - this is something that will require them to get a plane ticket and fly over to your house to check. :rolleyes:

Anyway, the point of the announcement was to say that posting a method on how to multi-client is not allowed on FiestaFan, but general discussions (e.g. debates on whether it should or should not be allowed) is okay.

That is all there is to it.

Spirit 11-07-2007 03:05 PM

Hee hee!! They could come to my house and check. After seeing my 4 kids, my 1 hubby, my 5 dogs, 5 cats, and how chaotic my household is, they would probably tell me I could move to California and live with them, so I could play Fiesta uninterrupted. I don't think they would make it through my front door.
But, back on topic. kk, I was just wondering, they would have a difficult time verifying that there is not more than one user in the house. I wonder if they can look at something from your computer other than your IP? Because in the ToS, it says that there are some files that their programs look at - or something like that.

.o0O0O0o. 11-07-2007 03:14 PM

I guess a way to find out is you got the other account on auto-follow. Or they may send a whisper and stalk you for a while and deduce that you're duo'ing.


It'll be nice if he would say 1 account per body or the likes :p We know you're lurking so say something :)

Aquenzu 11-07-2007 08:01 PM

Well the easiest way to see if someone is dual clienting would be to message them. I say this because(coming from my experiences) it would be somewhat hard to carry two different conversations as two different people to the same person. Unless the person is some kind of super nerd and does that for a living lol. But thats just my insight

.o0O0O0o. 11-07-2007 08:07 PM

There are some people out there that can IM with multiple people at a time. It's crazy i tell ya!

Spirit 11-07-2007 08:52 PM

The problem with that is, I have ordered my son not to talk to anyone in game. So if they try to start a conversation with him, he will not respond. He also took all of his quickbars and expanded them all up, so to cover up the chat box, so he wouldn't even know if anyone was talking to him or not, lol. And when I have a vendor sete up on my 3rd. computer, then I am not in front of it to see chat. I am playing on my computer which is in another room.

Arcblaze 11-07-2007 10:00 PM

ok me and my girlfriend play the game and we have 2 comps in same room it is ok for us to be playing that way correct??? she goes afk alot and then just follows me so she dont lose me and ppl have yelled at me in game for it but she is a mage and she just follows me then she comes back and makes my damage look like crap all over again lol. i just want to make sure im not breaking any rules. like she should log off if she is going afk for like 10 min or whatever???:confused:

Hessah 11-07-2007 10:08 PM

As far as the comment that the GM made concerns.. he didnt say anything about running more than 1 game with 1 IP.. just running 2 clients on 1 computer is bannable.

So i'm sure that's fine!

i would've thought the main reason for not allowing two client on 1 computer its coz the game isnt designed to do that...

Hraesvelg 11-07-2007 10:35 PM

It takes an insane amount of system resources to run multiple clients.

So I've heard.

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